Classic in the Austin Allegro sense, maybe.
<8 hour battery life in normal use.
No desktop synch for anything (BB Link still doesn't work on a Mac and BB Blend doesn't synch).
The native Tasks and Notes don't synch with any desktop apps.
A dearth of native Apps.
Most Android Apps are too slow to use, don't recognize the belt buttons, can't use the SD card, suck power and require privacy busting permissions to run. To be used only in desperation.
If all you need to do is make calls and read mails then it's OK - but the world's moved on since the 7320.
If you're heading out for the day and want to listen to music, use a map, buy train tickets, check the underground map, check out what's on at the pictures, review and book a restaurant and keep up to date with your eBay bids then you need to take a charger with you because even assuming you've got the patience to wait for stuff to load (you spend a lot of time looking at a blank screen if you use Android apps) you'll run out of juice by mid-afternoon with usage like this - and I don't do any social stuff - no Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook, etc. You certainly can't rely on it to still be running when you need to look up the last train home.
The fact that anyone at RIM thought that a device as useless as this would revive their fortunes says it all. Seriously, I couldn't give mine away.