Actually this is nothing to do with wht we are talking about.
Google have ZERO interest in saving peoples eyesite, they are looking for ways to make money from data (generally personal, but whatever).
They get that data given to them by providing a service, like gmail, or by offering some service to the organisation in question. In this case the NHS
This data is then used whoever they can to make a profit.
Off the top of my head I can see uses in working out what heredatory illnesses a person may suffer from purly from a scan of their eyes, and as mentioned before, its impossible to anonymise data thats unique to a person ESPECIALLY when the organisation in queston already scrapes that informatiion (or enough information) to link high resolution scans to a specific person.
This is why we are supposedly given some protection in the "Data Protection Act" from OUR information being given out without our consent. And THIS is why people on this thread are angry.
Yes this Act is relatively useless, because, obviosuly, once the data is out its never going to disappear, the horse has bolted, this does not mean that we should ignore the people who opened the gates, but I doubt anything will come of this as the NHS/Police/Local Government are actualy above any laws that the common people are bound by