back to article 700,000 Muslim Match dating site private messages leaked online

Hackers have leaked the personal details of 150,000 users of the Muslim Match website after breaking into the niche dating portal. Almost 150,000 user credentials and profiles, as well as more than 700,000 private messages between users, were posted online. "These private messages cover a range of subjects from religious …

  1. ToddR

    The Muslim Match website is not currently accessible to users, having put up a notice stating it is taking a short break for Ramadan

    So no foreplay allowed by Allah during Ramadan

    1. msknight

      I believe that hanky panky is not allowed between sun up and sun down... which makes little sense to me.

      Between sun down and sun up... now that would be a hardship.

  2. Baldy50


    Can you put a pic on your profile?

  3. joeW

    This could have very nasty consequences

    A few years ago I worked with a Muslim lad who was arranged-engaged to a woman back home in Pakistan. When they chatted online, they still had to have a chaperone sitting beside her to make sure they didn't start to discuss "inappropriate" stuff.

    They used to ignore that restriction now and then. Her family found out and the engagement was broken off the next day.

    If the private chat logs released reveal stuff like that it? Well, I wouldn't like to be the women in question.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: This could have very nasty consequences

      Actually that's a very valid point - could we expect a raft of honour killings as a consequence?

  4. Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

    "These private messages cover [...] marriage proposals"

    And they say romance is dead

  5. Andy Non Silver badge

    Allah Hackbar.

    OK, I'll get my coat.

    1. herman Silver badge

      Re: Allah Hackbar.

      Man, now you made me snort my Sisha...

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Wanted good Muslim bride with Kalashnikov to join existing 3 wives. Send photo of gun."

    etc. etc.

    1. The Nazz

      i would have thought

      manic depressives were much sought after too.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Have to confess I'm morbidly curious what the messages exchanged say.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    So the top passwords were....?





    Inquiry minds want to know :)

    1. Dadmin

      Re: So the top passwords were....?

      HAHA! Good one!

      Here's a fun fact about the USA; the first terrorists here were not radical Muslims, they are radical Christians sending package explosives and shooting/bombing abortion clinics. They are 100% angry, white, Christians males with guns and bombs, and they were first to the "terry" scene. It's a fact.

      PS- Tax the church! They seem like dicks.

      1. Crazy Operations Guy

        Re: So the top passwords were....?

        Every religion and every racial group contains the same percentage of potential terrorists. My uncle was blown up by suicidal Buddhists...

        Its not religion, or race that causes terrorism, its social attitudes. Terrorism is borne from oppression; people get tired of being pushed around and react violently, and sometimes to the point where they lash out against innocents associated with their oppressors, and usually its the only way they see forward.

        Here in the Western world, we've become afraid of Muslims to the point where we've passed laws forbidding them to wear religious garments, putting them on lists and treating them suspiciously for no reason or very flimsy reasons, the near-constant racial profiling, treating people that are escaping ISIS as though they are members of ISIS or at least some terrible burden on our societies, and even the talk about just completely banning them from our countries. With world-class dickery like that, I am surprised there aren't -more- attacks from radicalized Muslims.

        Has no one ever noticed the correlation between the rise of Islamophobia and the increase in terrorist attacks? Or how about the rise of rebel groups during Apartheid, or The Black Panthers and similar groups during the Civil Rights movement? Its almost like people get angry and violent after you treat them like shit.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: So the top passwords were....?

          Well said. Most comments above reek of prejudice in the guise of humour. It's almost as if the dating site were run by ISIS for its radicalized followers. Somehow people refuse to believe normal people exist among the 700k affected, who seek companionship just like everyone else.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: So the top passwords were....?

          Its not religion, or race that causes terrorism, its social attitudes. Terrorism is borne from oppression; people get tired of being pushed around and react violently, and sometimes to the point where they lash out against innocents associated with their oppressors, and usually its the only way they see forward.

          It's not just social attitudes that cause terrorism. To suggest such a simplistic causal link ignores the countless examples of lone-wolf terrorism where individuals, often mentally ill, latch onto extremist ideas.

          There are extremists in all kinds of groups, and terrorists are often extremists. Not all extremists end up committing acts of terrorism, however.

        3. John Sanders

          Re: So the top passwords were....?

          >>Every religion and every racial group contains the same percentage of potential terrorists.

          Bollocks and you know it.

          >>Its not religion, or race that causes terrorism, its social attitudes.

          It is called ideology, there fixed it for you.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: So the top passwords were....?

            I understand that the top password was "Password" in arabic.

            Why would it be any different, after all?

        4. Anonymous Coward

          Re: So the top passwords were....?

          I'd agree on most points EXCEPT:

          "we've passed laws forbidding them to wear religious garments"

          Burqas, Hijabs, Niquabs, Chador's and Khimars are bugger all to do with Islam. They are purely cultural, no more, no less. Islam just states people should dress modestly (yes that includes men).

        5. Zoopy

          Re: So the top passwords were....?

          "Every religion and every racial group contains the same percentage of potential terrorists."

          Citation needed.

      2. This post has been deleted by its author

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        It's a fact.

        The anarchist bombings of the 20th Century, the church bombings and lynchings by the KKK, bombings and murder by the Weathermen, violence and murder by the Symbionese Liberation Front and the Black Panthers.....

        Perhaps you just don't know what the word "fact" means?

        Or maybe you think it mean "a poorly expressed and uninformed opinion expressed by some yahoo with an agenda"?

  9. technos

    Sausage festival...

    I've had a look through the comments, and the biggest take away I got was that there weren't enough women on the site, if there were any actual women at all.

    Over half the messages were guys begging (actual begging) for a message back or complaining that the site must not be working or he'd surely have received one back, and nearly all of the rest were the guys sending the same overly formal come-on over and over.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Sausage festival...

      "there weren't enough women on the site, if there were any actual women at all."

      So probably much like every other dating site out there?

    2. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Sausage festival...

      Sounds like the Muslim equivalent of Ashley Maddison.

  10. Aynon Yuser

    The hackers should sell the info to Trump.

  11. Bladeforce

    How does this site work then?

    Nice Burqa, love the eyeholes and length. Is that a 50" Burqa or a 48"? I will only marry someone with a 50" or larger..

    1. You aint sin me, roit

      Re: How does this site work then?

      "How will I recognize you when we meet?"

      The site is probably full of old biddies pretending to be nubile young things... pretty much like Match then!

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    72 Virgins

    I like the profile posted by the 72 virgins but I don't like the meeting place...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: 72 Virgins

      "I like the profile posted by the 72 virgins"

      Apparently they have run out of the 72 virgins. Now you get one girl from Essex instead...

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