Not moores law?
I couldn't find any rules on the competition sight (didnt look too hard) but I would have expected a somewhat different graph.
Not trying to belittle anyone's work - just curious.
The ISC (International Supercomputing Conference) Student Cluster Competition once again cements its reputation as the place where LINPACK records go to fall. Last week we saw not one, but two teams top the current 12.03 TFLOPS record that was established at the ASC'16 spring competition. Team HUST, from the Huazhong …
The competition is power limited at 2x 1560W. I guess it uses that limit rather than $ as one of the things they seek to encourage is vendor collaboration. Trouble with using pure $ as a limit would be scale, some really cheap implementations could return huge bang/buck but not be capable of scaling to be useful at real world problems.
I agree though, the cheaper approach ought to win, the completion needs weighting to account for both Watts and $.
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