"a massive fine of £350,000 to ProDial Ltd" in liquidation.
"doubled the amount of fines"
2 x 0 = 0
The Information Commissioner's Office doubled the amount of fines it dished out to organisations in breach of data protection rules last year, issuing £2m in penalties, according to its annual report. The hike in fines was mainly due to changes in the rules on nuisance marketing. For the previous year 2014/15, the commission …
"Some patients told their GP that they objected to having their data shared. However, despite these objections, data sharing has taken place. We have secured a legal undertaking from HSCIC to put measures in place to better respect patient objections," it said.
The cash penalty isn't any incentive to change - it's not their money. In fact, it's ours the taxpayer's. So we get stuffed on a data breach and we pay for it thereafter.
Does that legal agreement now include prison sentences for future breaches? Because the totally crappy side of data escaping into the 3rd party system is that we can never be reassured that it has been fully eradicated from the system, never feel fully reassured that the data is not somehow still be used for purposes other than what it was originally intended for.