From the 27
a good sum-up from a post in the Guardian:
"Dear Brits!
I am not sure that the Guardian reported about this, so I just want to let you know that in the meantime, the EU has already moved on without you (see below).
Finally we got rid of the whinging arrogant sabotaging EU member and we can focus on the much needed reforms which the UK has been serially blocking for years.
During these three days, the horrible evil ineffective bureaucratic blah blah blah EU of 27 members has
(1) nominated our main negotiator and the negotiating team,
(2) showed clear-headed calm leadership and unity,
(3) sent a reassuring message to the financial markets,
(4) prepared a draft for further steps which our EU-27 representatives will start discussing tomorrow.
What exactly have the leaders of the most democratic fantastically sovereign highly effective UK done? In relation to the Brexit crisis, exactly ZERO, except making the damage to the UK (= the British people) and the rest of the world even WORSE by dragging their feet.
By the way, this decisive EU move towards more integration (which the EU-27 people support according to the polls and which has been in the making for a long time) means that the UK is less likely to get any kind of even remotely favourable deal with the EU by the minute. The more integrated we get, the more you are out.
I should also mention that with the Leave vote, you have automatically annulled the agreement struck during Cameron's blackmailing 're-negotiations'. Namely, the agreement that Cameron signed in your name contains an annulment clause in case of a Leave vote, and a further statement that there will be no renegotiations.
So the restrictions on EU immigrants claiming UK benefits, the exemption of the UK from the "ever closer union" etc. are GONE. And the EU has already moved towards further integration, as I explained above. Yes, the 'unreformable' EU is already on the way to reforms.
So the kind of EU that you voted about on Thursday, with yet more special treatment for the UK and further integration on halt, no longer exits. I think it is only fair you know this.
The world has moved on. It is time for you to do so too and trigger Article 50.
Well, the great exodus of capital and jobs from the UK will start tomorrow, because your Great Leaders are making sure to make the markets extremely nervous in relation to the UK's future outlook. Day four of the brave new UK will be a nightmare for the Brits. The clock is ticking against the UK whether you invoke Article 50 or not.
Note that none of this is the EU's fault = the fault of 440 million people in 27 other EU members. YOU are the ones who caused this.
The EU summit on Tuesday will be quite interesting, when Cameron as your representative meets the leaders of the other 27 EU members whom the Brits have just stabbed in the back, in spite of all our good will and patience. Will Cameron have the guts to trigger Article 50?
While the UK is consumed by petty infighting and lacks any kind of leadership, the rest of the world is moving on.
Have a nice isolated life.
Bye bye."