Israel's cybersecurity industry
Is it wise giving access to Israeli Intelligence to your computers?
The "father" of Israel's cybersecurity industry reckons the unprecedented growth in its security startup industry can be sustained. Isaac Ben Israel, who heads the Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center (ICRC) at Tel Aviv University, estimates there are 400 cybersecurity firms in Israel. Together with more established …
The doubt is very justified. What the NSA does, Israel does doubly so.
It is not even wise to be member of the BDS movement. What you said on the phone may come to hurt you.... and then you get a visit by an Israeli art student...
Those lovely BDSers going about their wholesome business of trying to delegitimise a country by all means possible, and then getting pissy because they are getting a taste of their own medicine. The heart bleeds.
"It is not even wise to be member of the BDS movement. What you said on the phone may come to hurt you.... and then you get a visit by an Israeli art student..."
Yes, its not wise to be a member of the BDS movement because its a pitifully brain dead movement.
Its amazing that you Brits forget your own history and participation in the ME events that lead to the formation of Israel.
Its also amazing that for a population that prides itself on its education where they can't seem to read or comprehend that one of the pillars of HAMAS which calls for the complete destruction of Israel, an actual country that has been recognized by the UN since its inception.
I mean lets forget the actual facts that HAMAS rules Gaza and rather than make Gaza beautiful and a resort town on the Sea and a tourist mecca, they use the supplies to build concrete re-enforced tunnels to smuggle terrorists and weapons in to Israel, as well as launching rockets (unguided) in to Israel from civilian population centers.
Do I need to also mention FATAH leader's latest series of speeches where he encourages Palestinians to attack and kill Israelis? (Yes, a President who's in his 9th year of a 4 year term? )
Or that Iran is funding all of this?
Sorry, I'm just a stupid Yank who actually pays attention to the details of what is going on and the history of the world post 1940.
Posted Anon because the minute I hit 'Submit' an array of zombie commentards who can't be bothered by the facts will hit the down arrow on this post.
Gee, every time somebody mentions Israel the citizens of LaLaLand turn up in force. (I had been previously unaware that one can be a citizen of LaLaLand and the United States of America, more fool me: you live and you learn.)
I think I could do a simple google search of every time some Israeli - secular or religious, it doesn't seem to matter - makes some statement - official or "off-the-record", it doesn't seem to matter - about Arabs as subhuman, with everything that goes together - massacres, whatnot - with the label of Untermensch - and you wouldn't bat an eyelid. Hell, I could even find the name of the Rabbi whose words sounded like a rewrite of Luther's infamous ravings on "the Jews" with "the Arabs" substituted - and you wouldn't notice anything wrong ... Of course, what Israel did to the Arab population of Mandatory Palestine in 1948 was judged rather harshly in the Nuremburg Trials when it was directed by the Third Reich against Europe's Jewish population in the early 1930s and -40s, but nobody noticed that, having been accustomed to regarding Arabs as Untermensch - subhuman - ever since the Crusades.
It should come as no surprise that the Palestinians don't particularly care for Israel. Judging from Netanyahu's actions over the past decade, he and his political party don't care for Israel either, and it's an even bet as to which - the House of 'King' Bibi Netanyahu or the Palestinians - will destroy Israel first. My bet is on 'King' Bibi.
Intelligence is defined in the zoological and anthropological sciences as considered adaption to circumstances. Human intelligence allows one to make multilingual plays on words. When I first started studying human language, I noticed that in the Semitic languages, 'W' and 'Y were interchanged. Feel free to call yourself a "Yank"'.
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Well one example for you and BTW I've read the court transcripts of the witnesses there at the time, IMO it was clearly murder and no one was held accountable,
If you delve into this and look at both sides you'll clearly see a complete disregard for human life, ON BOTH SIDES!!!!
It's an important region and has a tendency to influence other governments, so It's worth a look at what the hell is really going on.
The example is:- Her name was Rachel Corrie 23 year old US born and BTW if you get killed overseas in a place where the US are engaged in anti terrorism activities or they blindly ignore their allies use of indiscriminate force and a good example are drone strikes overseas, if you do get killed the US response seems to be 'Shouldn't have been there' and tough shit!
And you have to have the other point of view.
There's plenty of news sites with their own agenda, IMHO.
The home to be demolished belonged to a doctor mostly working for free to help anyone and his home was in the IDF's view too close to the fence basically.
So a lot of journo's on here I guess look at how many have been targeted, killed or imprisoned and seems like to me just another despot is in power with plenty of support.
It would make a great deal of difference with regards to stability in the region if this could have a good ending for both sides.
The BDS movement could actually be harming the Palestinian farming community, their produce is still relabelled 'Produce of Israel' Though.
Of course BDS is harming Palestinians! That's the most galling part of it, their hatred for Israel/Jews comes ahead of any compassion for Palestinians. Same logic that Hammas uses when firing rockets from near hospitals and using UN-funded schools to store weaponry.
See the results of the BDS campaign against Sodastream:
What an achievement!
"[People] have volunteered themselves to be added,” Sieradski said, “sending me antisemitic memes and demanding I add them.”
Didn't give a link to see you're on it.