Re: Poor science
"The second announcement does not PROVE that the first wasn't a fluke, but is consistent with the same mistakes being made twice. Other scientists will have to analyse the results to see whether any mistakes in the experiment are present."
Seeing as the data produced by each observation of a gravitational wave was analysed for around 6 months prior to public announcement, I think its fairly safe to say that other scientists' analysis will produce the same results.
And you're talking about flukes.
The theory of General Relativity makes very specific predictions about gravitational waves i.e. what causes them, their effects on space/time, their frequency and speed. Then an experiment designed to observe these waves detects a wave in 2 detectors 3000 km apart, the time difference between the two detections matching exactly what you'd expact from a wave propagating at light speed, and with an amplitude and frequency matching those predicted by General Relativity.
Then a few months later it happens again, demonstrating it wasn't a one off.
That's not a fluke, it's hard evidence of a phenomenon predicted by a theory whose predictions have always been shown to be correct (when they can be measured.) Obviously replication of these results, especially by other teams with other detectors, will act as further confirmation, but at the moment, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...