It is with incredible sadness that El Reg must report that Lester Haines, one of our finest story-tellers and an all-round good bloke, passed away on Monday. Lester, who was 55, died of a heart attack at his home in Spain. He will be cremated on Friday 17 June. Readers will know Lester for his biting wit, his piloting of the …
"You need to link to that recipie, that was before my time but I need that in my life!"
Generic haggis pakora recipes pop up with a Google search. As for the Lester's recipe...Ralph B, thank you for the link to his articles:
Haggis pakora versus huevos rancheros.
One of the finest contributors to El Reg, and the man who kept me coming back here even on those rare occasions when El Reg wasn’t performing at its best. He never missed the mark, and I will miss reading what he has to say and his views on food, science, drink and the world.
My condolences to his family and friends at this awful time.
I've been away and I've only just seen this.
Thoughts to his family, Kararina, the Junior Boffin, and nephew Matt, the bearded coated one, and all the others.
I always enjoyed his articles, his enthusiasm, his love of life.
My coronary artery will probably never forgive him, but I loved his recipes.
Very deeply sad
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For those that want to remember what we'll be missing, here's a list of his articles and a list of his forum posts at The Reg.
Was there ever a more engaged and engaging writer at work and play at a tech (or any) website?
> here's a list of his articles
In retrospect I rather wish I hadn't found that link, because it's rather depressing to see that Lester's articles were pretty much ALL that has kept me interested me at The Reg over the years. Take care of his heritage, Reg. Take care.
How many stupid discussions have we had in the comments over Lester's articles? It's much more fun reading about how to make the perfect cuppa and bacon sarnie if you can then go on and call some other innocent commentard a heathen afterwards. With Lester usually joining in the fun too.
But of course we were all joining in the fun that he, and El Reg, created. And it's a pretty good epitaph to have made lots of peoples' lives more fun. Which should not be a minor part of anyone's life achievements. As well as the more "real" stuff of raising a family and all the relationships with friends and colleagues.
I'm genuinely sad at the death of someone I didn't even know. And I feel for all you guys at El Reg towers who did. I hope you have a drink in his honour and a bloody good laugh about him.
RIP Lester. You'll be missed.
...although the person that admitted to drinking the abomination that is cofftea genuinely is a heathen...
I too will be 55 this year. Suddenly I feel mortal.
RIP Lester, you made many people smile.
Currently, and coincidently, drinking a pint from my LOHAN tankard and eating a kebab meat pizza. You sounded impressed by that pizza when I mentioned it a long while ago Lester, I hope you got to taste one,
Way too young indeed! I always thoroughly enjoyed his writing, and all the special projects he was involved in. My condolences to all his loved ones and colleagues. Will raise a glass of my best whisky this evening. I suggest the first new crazy balloon launched missile or plane be dubbed the "Lester Haines" in his honour, better still, name the SPB after him (assuming it will carry on his good work).
I feel like I did when I heard about Sir Terry and Ian. Lester, you might not have been a world famous author selling millions of books, but you had the same spirit as those blokes (and indeed, Douglas Adams).
I will miss you. My sincerest condolences to your family and loved ones.
If William Gibson suddenly croaks it, I'll know there's a supernatural conspiracy against me.
Like all here, my deepest condolences to his family - I'll raise a glass (or two) in your memory tonight.
I second putting his ashes on LOHAN, it is the only suitable send-off, but they'd need to go into orbit, not return to this vale of tears...
Well, pTerry's passing was at least not all that sudden.
Douglas, and now Lester, OTOH were sudden indeed.
I can easily name a dozen politicians or so that I would gladly trade up for one of these good blokes. Where can I reach the hooded one, the one carrying a scythe and speaking in SMALL CAPS? Surely a deal could be struck? Give us Lester back, or we will off a dozen politicians at once, making them Death's problem. (really a win-win for us either way)
All kidding aside: RIP Lester.
Wow, this came as a shock today, have read, laughed and loved many of his articles over the years. He was most definitely a big part of El Reg and one of the writers whose articles I would always look out for.
Very sad to hear this, RIP and hope that his friends and family take some small solice in how many people loved what he did and will remember him fondly. Here's to you Lester!
Oh Lester, we'll miss you terribly.
Is the Reg going to do a collection for funeral expenses or anything like that? I recall particularly he has at the very least a daughter and speaking as another middle aged guy who's got a couple of those wandering around the house, a sudden lack of income provider for a family is a big initial shock even aside from the heartache. If we can smooth the bumps I'd certainly be in.
I'm proud to say I knew Lester way back in his early days before El Reg, and he was one of the nicest people I've known. He was especially nice when he was borrowing a tenner off you to buy his round ;-) He was full of life, never quiet and always brimming with ideas, a real larger than life man. I spent many a happy hour with Lester in the pubs of London and will raise a pint or two to the man tonight.
RIP Mate
Good day all
I am Lesters nephew and behalf of his family we would like to thank you for all your kind words and messages. He clearly was a well respected man known not only for his fierce intelligence but also his biting humour. It is some consolation to know that he had some impact on so many people and we really do appreciate your wishes and support. Although the man is gone he will live on through his writings and achievements. I'll be raising a glass tonight in honour of the legend Les and hope you will do the same. I know he would have appreciated it.
Sean Haines
P.s I don't know about you all but i'm gonna miss the post pub nosh neckfillers
Good day Sean,
I hope and trust that all are as well as can be and would like the family to know that Lester has been an inspiration because of what may have been conceived as back yard boffinry with such projects as PARIS and LOHAN. All you have to do is look at all the attempts to beat the PARIS world record to know that Lester and the SPB has touched the imaginations of a great many people and through basic simplicity made it accessible to everyone even the youngest generation of STEM students. It truly is an amazing accomplishment and I hope that Lester realized just how much of a difference he actually made.
If you'll pardon me at this point, I have to dry my eyes and raise a single malt to a man upon whose shoulders will stand many a STEM graduate.
A loss to the world, and especially to his family. Heartfelt condolences to them. El Reg, I'm sure at some point you could gather up all these comments to pass on to the family. They mostly read the same and individually they probably aren't much help, but the number of them might offer some comfort that Lester was considered a friend in the pub by so many of your readers.
Sad, very sad to see such wit depart.
I'll definitely raise a dram to salute him, and can only offer <long distance,digital> hugs and best wishes to his family.
Now, Trevor, lets get the LOHAN stuff up here and we can fire it off in northern Saskatchewan in salute.
<somewhat scary since we share a phenotype and an age>
My thoughts go out to his family, especially those that we got to accompany on his mad escapades. Lester was without doubt my favourite Reg contributor. From gastric monstrosity's, and dodgy plumbing, to a private space program; bringing wit and a genuinely charming attitude to every article he touched.
Lester Haines and his sense of humor and playfulness was one of the main reasons for reading this web mag. So many used to question the IT content of certain articles of his. Lester was always good for some snappy repartee with a reader.
Godspeed Lester, you will be missed. I wish him and his loved ones well, add his ashes to Lohan and distribute them worldwide. May the deity of your choice lift you from this onerous life. My dad used to say "Live fast, Die Young, and Leave a Good Looking Corpse". 55 is too young though, especially as I turned 60 this year.
Now there is one less reason to visit. I don't see the current crop having the same sense of humor that Lester had.
Over the years, the flexibility and humor of this site has declined, becoming less enjoyable and more SJW oriented. Moderation has turned into PC censorship on far too many websites, including this one.
However when they went on the politically correct employee purge after the enviro-dingbats got too mouthy, they lost many of their long term viewers as evidenced by a totally different crop of handles being shown. You might want to re-think your management and hiring process in light of that. Especially when you replace Lester!
I am not usually inclined to comment much on here. But in this instance am very shocked and saddened to hear the news of yet another untimely death, and wish to add my regrets to all the others. Like many I appreciated the humour and the apparent honesty of his writing.
Condolences to family and friends.
I hate you. What's the big idea, going and dying on us like that? Ruddy selfish, that's what I call it. Who's going to be so wonderfully politically incorrect now to raise smiles amongst the downtrodden masses out here? You were a joyous sparkle amongst the sea of bland grey. Uncontroversial bilge will be ever more expansive without your withering eye to report upon it and make us think.
May your colleagues aspire to your dizzy heights, and may El Reg never bend to dogma of the day.
I'll effing miss you, you brilliant bastard.
Lester's articles really embodied the spirit of The Register and helped to make it not just another IT news website. It was the sort of clever nonsense that even us skinflints would consider paying for.
My thoughts are with his family, friends and colleagues.
Not that this is in any comfort to the family but we need some kind of scholarship to fund research that can demonstrate that bacon and beer had nothing to do with it (I think this is probably the case at 55). Lester himself was a pioneer in this area!
A tragic loss; before his time. My thoughts go to his family, for which nothing can comfort that loss.
I will miss his excellent articles on the military. His wit. His contribution to Great British Boffinry. It is a loss that he will never see LOHAN launched (and curses to the FAA).
I too shall raise a glass of the "Blue Vodka"* in his honour & hard work at the SPB.
* Alcohol-based rocket fuel during the Great Patriotic War was coloured blue in an attempt to identify those soldiers desperate enough to drink it, e.g. during the Siege of Stalingrad, amongst other less comfortable engagements on the Eastern Front.
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I never knew him outside these pages, but I suspect Lester packed more living into his 55 short years than I or most of us would in 100. From gastronomic adventures to art in prose and Playmobil to making a living in tech while not being able to run two appliances simultaneously, Lester's charms and quirks elevated El Reg in a way no other could.
My thoughts go out to his friends, neighbors, and all the other acquaintances co-opted into his articles and pictures over the years. Whether it was true or not, his articles always made me feel like he was doing what he loved, and inspired me to do the same.
Of course the man himself can never be replaced, but I hope El Reg keeps the spirit of his contributions alive by bringing us other authors as offbeat, personal and personable. Man cannot live on channel rumors and software-defined networking roundups alone; Lester was a big part of reminding us that work and play are equally vital parts of life.
@ It wasnt me
"I'm utterly surprised at how sad this had made me feel. Ive been reading the Reg for as long as I can remember and genuinely always loved Lester's articles."
Thanks for writing that. I too, am surprised at the sadness I feel, and the sense of loss. I always read Lester's articles first, and with eager anticipation. As many other posters have remarked, his style of writing was an all too rare combination of the informative coupled with a wry sense of humor, the very embodiment of "Biting the hand that feeds IT".
One of many such writers in the earlier days of El Reg, he stood out more and more as the site continued to pale around him. He may be replaced, he will never be duplicated.
RIP Lester
RIP Lester
I am genuinely shocked and very sad. His love of engineering wit and obvious joy at the absurd made reading the Register something I came back for again and again. I will genuinely miss him, strange to say about someone I never met.
My condolences to his family, friends and all those who had the privelidge of knowing him.
"Perhaps LOHAN needs to be renamed to LESTER, not an acronym"
Lester would not miss an opportunity to conjure up another backronym. It would be fitting to return the favour. Or at least try to.
Launching Exceptional Spacecraft Towards Edges of Realm?
Thank you, Lester, for daring to be a joyful chap despite life's little challenges.
Words fail me. Condolences to friends and family. El Reg will never be the same, and the world of IT reporting is the poorer for it. Looks like DevOps has won :(
Adiós Lester. Vaya con Díos, mi amigo loco. Tomar una cerveza en el cielo, pensando en tí y su família y sus amigos en el bar.
Lester was my favourite Reg contributor by some way. His style was so recognisable, and his wit so polished. I particularly enjoyed that is articles were often utterly unrelated to IT so provided a few minutes of "non computing" during a computer-filled working day. His pieces about his Special Projects Burro were a particular delight.
So sad for his family and friends. Hopefully he and his Burro can continue their work in the next world.
RIP Lester.
My condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues. I didn't know him but he entertained me and made me laugh and generally seemed to simply be trying to have fun with everything - which is a trait to be admired and imitated. The world loses another man it could do with more of.
Very sad to hear the news of Lester's passing. His articles were always amusingly entertaining, the escapades of the Special Projects Bureau were always interesting reading and genuinely quite inspirational. His writings provided an enjoyable interlude from the tedium of daily work for many more people than he knew in real life.
My sympathies to his family, friends and colleagues.
As we all know, Lester did some sterling work raising funds for anti-malaria charity through his own quid-a-day nosh challenge and in starting up an El Reg Posse for same.
Could we set up some sort of fundraiser in his memory? At least we'd have some small bit of good come from this utterly shit news.
It was always immediately clear when an article had Lester as its author (usually in a good way :) . The culinary journeys, the journeys over land and water chasing after projects, and even tilting at windmills enriched my life on a far continent, as they did many others, especially those who knew him personally. My deep condolences to Lester's family and to the Reg family.
Lester has left many of us in the world heartbroken, not only for his classy wit, snappy chat and incredible humor but also for his world class bacon eating abilities . I Drank and cried with the guy, i was even featured as an ugly bearded bloke in some of his posts, but what i remember most most of all was his overall enthusiasm for both his life and his readers and the continued effort he put into each of them (powered of course again by bacon sarnies).
I think the words here tonight have spoken more of him than any of us can say and i want you all to know that your kind words have all been passed on.
For all of those that had the heart to believe in a small space project and kick start the idea, i want you to raise those mugs tonight, i want you to once again believe in the spirit that has so much transcended that of the common dude, have a beer or a shot of bacon to my good old uncle.
Godspeed Les, Ad Astra Tabernamque
Ill meet you there
Never met the man, but liked his work. Sadly, in the IT (and perhaps most engineering and technical) professions in general, life expectancy seems to be well down from many others. Ours is not a healthy world in general, with many of us being more sedentary than is good for us, not to mention chronic overwork and stress, and with a love of good food followed by a bit of the grape or malt to relax and forget when a hard day (most days) is done.
Sad, sad, loss. Lester's articles were some of the best writing around. Unpretentious, funny and engaging. It feels in many ways that he is the Reg. I know you've got a server closet full of talent there, but Lester was one in a million. I hope his family gets something out of knowing how many people Lester has entertained and elightened from all over the globe.
I have to admit that, when I read the comment from Lester's vetinary mate, my first thought was 'Oh yes, what's the old bugger up to this time?'
Sad to lose such a genuinely clever and witty man and a true garden shed boffin. May LOHAN soar in his memory.
I'm sure I won't be the only one raising several of these to his memory tonight.
All my condolences to his family and friends - extra sad to lose him so (relatively) young - and (I presume) suddenly.
On a professional level, his articles (whether on the relatively-low-budget science and engineering SPB stuff), or foodstuffs, or downright daft stuff, were often informative, and *always* entertaining - in a heartwarming way.
(The IT content was often non-existent, but who cares ...)
A person who notably enriched life.
Again - all my sympathies to family and friends.
Condolences to Lester' s family, friends and all at El Reg.
As others have mentioned Lester's articles have kept me coming back to the Register for many years. What no one has mentioned is his overall impact on GDP.
Even whilst reading the comments in this article I got side tracked into an reading an article on haggis pakora and sent a colleague a link to the April fools sysadmins colouring book.
No doubt he'll pass that on and half the team will lose another half-hour to Lester's incredible talent.
He will be sadly missed.
I too will be raising a glass to Lester this evening. RIP Old Chap though we never met I too feel I have lost a friend.
Really shitty news. One of the few true classy Reg journo's. I think SPB and PostPub Neckfillers were truly superb, and I will miss them deeply - even if someone steps into Lester's shoes, they will be far too big.
This on top of my local MP 3 miles from my office. Worrying also that I am very very close to 55 myself - makes me consider my habits and choices.
My GNU Clacks line is now longer, Lester has joined PTerry. No-one at work knows, but *I* do.
Fly high, fly far, Lester.
This was a depressing thing to log into on a currently raining like crap Friday at a workplace that is being outsourced to the Cognizant monster. It would not be wrong to say sod it and go to the pub for a pint would it? I appreciate it's 10 am but if it's not wrong for pubs to serve beer, it can't be wrong for me to drink it. Right? Right.
Hopefully Lester is not now a Bastard Operator In Hell. I'm told that down there they put tomato sauce on the bacon sandwiches instead of brown. Or as others would have it, both brown sauce and tomato sauce are available, but whichever you want the other one comes out of the squeezy bottle.
(If you like both, you get mayonnaise.)
Was out watching the Eng Wales game yesterday when my better half text me to say she had heard about Lester. Very sad made me all the more proud I was wearing the 419 t-shirt that he designed at the time.
We met once in a pub from the town he grew up in and I had moved to. I knew his brother and we all went out for a pint. We got on to chatting about jobs and he said he worked for an IT news site. I went through about 4 other journalists that wrote here before I got to his name and he was astounded that he'd met someone that bought something he'd done. Great night, great and funny man I will miss his articles. RIP Lester my thoughts are with your friends and family.
Hi Sean,
It was indeed in Faversham. Ashley, myself and your uncle had a few jars & lots of laughs in the Chimney Boy as it was called then. One memorable evening despite the jars, it was a pleasure to have spent, albeit brief, that time in his company.
Sorry for your loss but please know that he was loved by many. I have chuckled to many bootnotes stories only to see afterwards it was another one from Lester.
Kind regards
I am so gutted by this news. I never got to meet Lester, but we regularly exchanged emails and he was every bit as funny, spiky and blindingly quick witted as his articles. He made me laugh - and for that thank-you.
I can't imagine what his family are going through right now to lose someone so young, but there are thousands of people who want to thank them for sharing him with us.
God. This is not how I wanted to end my week. I may not have known you Lester, but there is no question you are a fellow I would have liked to meet down at the local, had circumstances somehow made that possible. Through the unique style and wit that characterised your articles, I feel like I knew you Lester--such is the odd relationship between celebrities, writers and their public. We never really believe that the people we know, personally or at a distance, could just not be there any more.
Perhaps I am over-sentimental today because I also recently lost a loved one, so the emotions are nearer the surface and the value of human life dearer to me just now than usual.
I think I speak for all Reg readers when I say each of us has felt this as a body blow.
RIP Lester. Thank you for taking the time to lighten our days through your contributions to the Reg. Sincere condolences to your family and close friends.
The world is less one good man.
Icon because if it was Lester's time to go out, he would have wished to do so in style.
I can only blame Lester's death on an unholy alliance of Strategy Boutique execs and our Robot Overlords who had finally had enough of his coruscating wit and tireless efforts to expose their relentless and now unstoppable overthrowing of all that is human and helvetica neue.
RIP Lester. You were brilliant and would have shone in any journalistic or literary environment. That you chose El Reg as your soap box is as ringing an endorsement of the site as it's possible to have. Thanks for all the laughs and my deepest condolences to your family and friends.
In other news, Playmobil shares plummeted this morning...
I knew Lester back in days we both had the odd jar in the Wagon and Horses in Manningtree. A gentlemen and a damn good laugh, he gave me my first piece of vulture merchandise ( a baseball cap) when he started at El Reg. His articles have never failed to raise a smile. The pub has gone... and now Lester too… you will be sorely missed mate. I will raise a glass to you both this evening..
I've been reading El Reg since its early days, and always found Lester's contributions informative and entertaining. He brightened up many a dull, dull day at the office, and because of Lester I know a lot more about IT - and lots of other subjects - than I otherwise would. So sorry to hear that he has gone, especially at such a young age. He will be hard to replace. I hope that the suggestion to fire him into space can be made to work.
It's very sad to hear that Lester is no longer with us.
It was a pleasure to show him and Matt around our site at the European Space Agency last year.
The sight of them walking around with white lab-coats and whipping a playmobil astronaut out in the satellite control room definitely caused a chuckle for the resident rocket scientists.
RIP Lester
European Space Astronomy Centre
I have played PARIS video to my girls to get them interested in space, science and the art of science for the sake of science. Garden Shed Tomfoolery and the idea of setting a world record, just because you can.
The man was an understated-genius in many ways, and I feel sad for the loss to his family, friends, and those other technical loonies supporting him in pushing the SPB envelope.
Like others, I'm not to impressed with 2016 at all.
We are all richer for him having been here.
We are all poorer for his sudden departure for bluer skies.
We are saddened by the loss to his family and friends (yes, even though we've never met in person).
It's time to toast your goodness and forget your faults.
You will be missed by all.
Lester was a gem. He was one of those geeks who understood that science and technology aren't dull edifices full of dusty tomes of inscrutable facts. For him it was all about learning and playing around with things and having fun. I shared the PARIS project with scores of people who were amazed that Just Regular Folks could send a paper plane to space and recover it intact. You can see what an inspiration he was by the many teams who tried to break the PARIS record and finally did.
I'll miss that playful nature, his biting wit... oh you know it all already.
Just damn. Never met Lester, but I'll miss him terribly.
I never met the man, yet this news hit me hard.
Mr. Haines was perhaps the "voice" of The Register for me the past several years, and the reason for returning to the site. The humour was always there. Usually funny, rarely forced, never mean. And never detracting from the serious endeavours described in the various articles such as the post pub nosh series.
All I can say is: thank you for that.
Tonight, a pint.
In the morning, bacon.
And perhaps a quid a day for the rest of the week.
RIP me old mate, and condolences to Katerina, Sean, and the rest of the family.
p.s. it might lighten things a little if I report that our last emails were on the subject of computer controlled catflaps...
Of all the sleb deaths that have occurred in the last few months - and the total has been well above average - Lester's passing has hit me the hardest. A fantastic journo; whenever I visit El Reg, I make a beeline for the Bootnotes. A few years ago, he even published a satirical advert I knocked up while bored on a con-call. The world's darker and the heavens are lighter tonight. He won't be replaced in a hurry - in fact, I'm not sure he can be replaced at all.
And let's not forget those he left behind. Spare a thought for his daughters, who now have to face the future without their dad. We're all completely gutted here and most of us never met him, so think how his kids must be feeling.
Rest in peace, Lester. No - in fact, don't rest in peace. Do what you've always done - hold a mirror up to the sanctimonious types up there who think they're better than everyone else and take them down a peg or three.
Cheers, mate. It's been a blast. No El Reg regular will ever forget you.
Quite a few in there that brightened up my life.
Might be nice to setup something for his family - or more entertainingly explode his mortal remains in orbit. I'll leave the choice to those that knew and worked with him
..ignore me..
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So sad to hear this. I saw the "Most Read" post title and thought it was Lester writing something funny or one of the other hack's about to rib him mercilessly.
So so sad. My thoughts are with his family, loved ones and friends.
I want to write something funny, but it does not seem the right time :(
One of the funniest writers I have read, always looked forward to Lester's articles and comments, I was catching up ( not having been reading for a while ) and reading the comments on the pastie article, at 04.30 Saturday morning, when I saw the last three saying Lester had died, smiling at the article and the comments and then bang..Oh how those of us who read your words will miss you, and how much worse for your colleagues , friends and especially your family, deepest sympathy to your family especially..
Jamesi suggested a collection or similar, maybe el reg would consider printing some of Lester's articles with the comments that they got into a book form and selling it ? proceeds to Lester's family..
Missed the edit window while I was trying to add this to my above post..Jamesi mentioned maybe a collection for Lester's family, what would be great if el reg could manage it, would be to produce a real paper book of some ( there are so many great ones ) of Lester's articles and allow us to buy copies..proceeds to Lester's family, he gave us a great deal of laughter and smiles, it would be a way of allowing us to give back..and it won't be easy for his family now he's gone..
From the Rockall Times to the Register Lester always managed to put a smile on my face. Bursting the balloons of pretentious pomposity and arrogance, but always with wit and humour. You'll be sorely missed mate. Sending thoughts to your family and friends.
On reflection, a paper book would not be practical, it would be huge. But , it should be relatively easy to put all of Lester's articles ( with the full comments threads that they sparked ), the playmobile re-enactments, the photos and recipes, the interjected comments, the lot, ( just copy and paste what you have reg , exactly like we have read it , pages of HTML and jpegs ) including the photos of the great man and Emperor of the Chuckling Sheds and Rockets onto an USB key with the Vulture crest and fittingly inscribed to Lester Haines, make it available permanently for sale in the Vulture merchandise section..and again send all the profits and our sympathies and condolences to Lester's wife and children.
it will be impossible to look at playmobile without a bitter-sweet smile thinking of you Lester, which is as it should be.
this is getting to seriously piss me off. Another bulb blown. Lester - thankyou for making a decade of back-office tech admin less onerous, nay, giving me that smug 'If only you knew' sense of superiority over the cubicled sales drones and navel-gazing chinless wonders that weebled their way in and out of meeting rooms.
<12 gun salute, flag lowered, lone firework shell arcing across the sky. Then the long trudge home, head down, collar up, hands deep in pockets, cursing the Gods at their stupidity.>
I was so saddened to read of your passing two days ago. Even though I do not normally drink during the day, I immediately went and poured one for you. And because I have the liability of being a Yank, I actually took the trouble to open a second can, so I could get all the way up to a proper pint!
(I did not throw the other 8 ounces away; I disposed of them suitably, and also in your honor. I am confident you would approve!)
I never had the privilege of meeting you, but I know you were personally responsible for so much of what I love about El Reg. As I wrote just a few minutes ago, to a much-younger friend to whom I have recommended The Register:
"[H]e was responsible for many of its humorous touches over the past 15 years, and for a lot of its general scientific bent as well. The combination of scientific rigor and general irreverence that I have so grown to love."
So ¡Hasta luego!/¡Hasta mas tarde!/!Hasta que nos encontremos en el cielo!
and thanks for the many hours of enjoyment your garden shed boffinry and other musings brought us. My heartfelt condonlences to your family and friends. Take a crumb of comfort that many hundreds of people, most of whom who never met Lester, feel your loss as well.
RIP and may LOHAN finally fly in your honour.
...in a tsunami of comments, I want it recorded that, for a man of so many eloquent words, I am unable to find any adequate enough to reflect his true brilliance. My thoughts go to the family and friends of a damn fine journalist who has left us far too early.
I only just found out about this, and it's knocked me sideways.
I never actually met the great man in person, though we had exchanged e-mails a few times in the prehistoric era before the Comments Section. Usually when he missed a double-entendre :)
You could always spot one of Hainesey's headlines -- and clicking through to the article would always brighten up a dull day in the IT department, whether by making you snigger or making you think. Usually snigger, to be sure, but often enough think.
If I hadn't just enjoyed a lovely meal with my family, I'd be paying him the most fitting tribute imaginable. As it stands, that will have to wait awhile, till I'm sufficiently hungry and thirsty to do it whole-heartedly.
Rest in Peace, Lester. And let's hope it's beer volcanos and stripper factories, and not a queue of people asking if you can just have a quick look at their computer .....
This was from spanish television showing people from different countries living here in Spain. And Lester had his time, showing where he lived, a very small village, just the opposite big London. It´s in spanish but you can have a beutiful idea of how his life here was.
Sorry for the late comment but, as a long-time reader of this site (1999), this article came as a shock.
My condolences to Katarina and the rest of the family. Lester's irreverent articles and SPB hi-jinks have been the highlight of The Register. My partner even started following the site for the post-pub nosh neck-filler articles and has gone so far as to not only try making some of them but to pick up the associated lingo.
If I may borrow Ashley_Pomeroy's image for a min, I thought - as a non-bofffin - that this helped to express how I felt.
Playmobil figures on a shelf,
we all sit
in wonder at the loss
of a friend we have never met
but on these pages
as our garden-shed boffin
shares a pint with his intrepid Playmonaut
A nice touch, that I've only just noticed - for those of us that have the +GNU Terry Pratchett plugin for Firefox, Lester's name is now added to the Overhead.
Props to whoever at the Reg thought of that. And I add my voice to those saying, RIP Lester, and thanks for all the great articles.
"A man's not dead while his name's still spoken..."
(Apologies if this has already been mentioned here.)
Lester, you will be dearly missed... so I'll raise a pint and a bacon sarnie in your honor sir.
My condolences to his family, Katarina and Matt et al. He was the bright point in so many days of drudgery while working overseas, and like so many have stated previously was the reason I kept coming back to El Reg...