Intel code names drive me nuts. They should give them proper structured consuner-facing names.
I can't remember if I'm supposed to be buying silver beach, golden mount, or brass lake this year.
Intel looks to be producing four Optane product families, with Mansion Beach, Brighton Beach, Stony Beach and Carson Beach code names seen on what looks like a leaked Intel slide. The Intel Optane SSD roadmap slide from BenchLife Info of Taiwan shows us various Intel SSD product families during 2016 and the first 2017 quarter …
Are intended to cause confusion. You are supposed to read an excellent review with impressive benchmarks, then when you try to buy something it must be almost impossible to match a product with a review. Enough people buy expensive when they wanted fast to make it worth the effort. It almost made sense a decade ago, but now that cheapest is fast enough I do not see the point.
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The words "Beach" and "pics" in the title had me anticipating a picture of like the Asus eee girl at the beach. Only to shocked into seeing some bloke.
So, in the same vein as Private Eye letters page correspondents keep mentioning the photo of Andrew Neil in a string vest embracing a young woman, I feel duty bound to remind fellow commentards of the following much more pleasant vista than the photo accompanying this article.