back to article Uber helicopter taxis

Uber is trialling helicopter taxi flights in Sao Paolo, Brazil’s biggest city, which is notorious for road traffic gridlocks. The ride-hailing firm has teamed up with three local helicopter firms to offer on-demand flights between four airports and five helipads in the city. With promotional prices starting at $19 a seat, Uber …

  1. Christopher Lane

    Just don't raise your hand to high...

    ...when you hail it and it pulls up next to you...

  2. sysconfig

    For $19 I'd have a ride

    I like flying in helicopters, so $19 would be a no brainer for me, if I lived in Sao Paolo.

    After the promotional offers expire, the price will be many many times higher though, because helicopters and commercial pilots are not cheap to operate.

    1. Elfo74

      Re: For $19 I'd have a ride

      It is "São Paulo"...

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Commercial pilots?

      This is Uber after all, you might be more likely to get someone like the gyrocopter pilot from Mad Max than you would a guy in a button down shirt with wings on the lapel.

  3. macjules

    Already have it ..

    Ubercopter Cannes to Nice Airport is €160 or €95 from Monaco to Nice Airport per person. Not bad service - about 15 minutes from check-in in Cannes to being delivered to departures drop-off at Terminal 1.

  4. Steve E


    You missed a headline opportunity there!

  5. stucs201

    Get to the choppa!

    I can see lots of people using this line when their ride arrives.

    (Icon? Wrong film, but still Arnie)

  6. Lars
    Thumb Down

    Why the hell

    Do they need Uber to do that.

  7. macjules

    And for our next trick ..

    Uber just added Ubereats to the UK, or "Get the food you want, from the local restaurants you love, delivered at Uber speed.". Certainly not as novel as UberELLIE , "UberELLIE: Everyone’s Private Elephant" and I doubt that Deliveroo are quaking in their cycle shoes.

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