Well at least it was only 7,600, six times less than when this IT news organisation did it >
Let's Encrypt lets 7,600 users... see each other's email addresses
Free certificate authority Let's Encrypt has spaffed the email addresses of up to 7,618 users to each other in an email informing them of updates to its subscriber agreement. In a post apologising for the error, the service noted that the incident wasn't as bad as it could have been, affecting only 1.9 per cent of the 383,000 …
Tuesday 14th June 2016 13:26 GMT Aodhhan
You do get what you pay for, especially when it's free.
This will not be the last time something happens with this company.
Not to say this company doesn't have some talented people working for it; however, since their revenue isn't as high as other CA's, they aren't likely to pay their people as well. Which means they're more likely to fill many more positions with people who don't have much talent or experience. You know where this is going.
For individual users, not a big deal... as long as you aren't storing a bunch of embarrassing things. For companies... it's another story.
Wednesday 15th June 2016 10:15 GMT 101
Borked again....
I got the email saying my address was borked, but not the email that caused it all.
This gets so tiresome getting your data routinely stolen or in this case given away. I would say it's happening about twice per year now, and likely more because every leak is likely not reported or admitted. Meanwhile, if you try to protect your stuff, you get tagged as paranoid or not "with it".
THEY should do something about this, but THEY are too busy slurping data themselves.