now this is a story I can get behind, although you need to ensure the picture is available on the front page !
Eds off their meds: Does this headline REALLY need to be so astronomically long it can be measured in parsecs?
No. ® Next week! How listicles are killing journalism: Ten things we've learnt.
Friday 10th June 2016 09:20 GMT Anonymous Coward
"now this is a story I can get behind"
The Internet; billions of dollars spent on pushing the limits of technology and building a world wide infrastructure so Nepalese goat herders can decide when and where to sell their goats, and Westerners can look at bare arses. And of the two, the bare arses use by far the greater share of resources.
Friday 10th June 2016 10:29 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Listicles!
"Do not get me fscking started on that one. Even some of the legitimate non tabloid press are chucking out this crap."
I assume you're referring to the Guardian .... its even transferring to their print version as, for example, the "Guide" section at the weekend as trnasformed from having reviews of TV/film/theatre/gigs/etc to having "Five TV origs/films/plays/shows/etc to see this week". Though, I suppose this is in line with the Guardian's policy of putting everything online so that when you buy a print copy you find that you've already read any articles that you're interested in (keep on asking myself why I'm still paying for a weekebnd subscription!)
Friday 10th June 2016 13:58 GMT Anonymous Coward
Quality article. Occasionally I wish for the old "up/downvote this article" link. Usually it's for downvoting Orlowski***, of course, but sometimes -as in this case- it's for throwing a salute to the author. Actually, the downvote is also throwing a salute to the author...just a different sort of salute now I come to think about it.
Betteridge's law brilliantly explained in one word. Props sir.
*** I finally managed to get a comment rejected, by the way. Hate to waste pixels, so I'll recycle them here:
[Note: Italics are a quote from the article in question]
"Fighting copyright today requires a persecution complex, because concrete examples of real oppression are fleeting and trivial. The unfairness of copyright must therefore be imagined.
This is almost Trump-esque in it's "I'll throw so much steaming bullshit into one sentence that people won't even know where to start refuting it" style"