back to article Latest Windows 10 build loves up cloud, banishes 'strange grey bar'

Microsoft has released Insider Preview Build 14361 for Windows 10 on PC and Mobile with a huge boost for building microservices and cloud. You can now run Docker natively on Windows 10 with Hyper-V containers, to build, ship and run containers using nano server in technical preview five of Windows Sever 2016, that’s due in the …

  1. Anonymous Coward

    Shome mishtake surely?

    I'm not seeing El Reg's usual sneering about Windows 10!

    A niave reader could think useful features have been added...

    1. tiggity Silver badge

      Re: Shome mishtake surely?

      It's really another DevOps fluff article though (because Docker), so no sneering, it's not allowed near DevOps (except from commentards)

  2. Steeev

    "which improves DockerFile syntax"

    Microsoft up to its old tricks again: embrace, extend, extinguish!

  3. This post has been deleted by its author

  4. cookieMonster Silver badge
    Black Helicopters

    Still... Won't....Install....

    no matter what they add . . .

    1. TRT

      Re: Still... Won't....Install....

      Curious move considering that today the 21st laptop to auto-install Windows 10 and completely fail to get WiFi back (driver issues - device missing) crossed my desk.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Still... Won't....Install....

      Indeed, they need to remove some things first. Forced updates, telemetry.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Great news!

    I can eat pizza again!

    (I thought Windows 10 was just a bad dream)

  6. DailyLlama

    Will it let me turn my WiFi card on again?

    1. DailyLlama

      Not sure what the downvote is for... I actually really like Windows 10, it would just be nice if I didn't HAVE to have a network cable plugged into my laptop to be able to use it.

      1. TRT

        I didn't down vote you but I expect it's possible to fix the WiFi card issue, especially if you have a wired connection. I always offer it to the people who come to me complaining about a malicious Windows 10 upgrade that's broken their WiFi. Invariably they've said "No, just roll it back to Windows 7".

  7. Anonymous Coward

    Docker, isnt that a type of boot

    So Micro$hit are letting you put the boot into their OS??

    Sound OK to me!!!!!

  8. Roland6 Silver badge

    An extension of LastPass has been added for the Edge browser

    So Edge does support add-ons, only currently MS are keeping the means to do it to themselves.

  9. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

    How many average users will use this stuff?

    Come on now hands up there. No not you experts who lurk around this place but the 'Joe/Jolene average user'.

    Well? I don't see many out there.

    Sure this will be of use to enterprise users but for the average home user? Nope.

    Do they eve know or care about all this cloudy containery stuff? Somehow I doubt it.

    As has been said,

    Still won't install it EVER ok.

    1. Mark 85

      Re: How many average users will use this stuff?

      But they will soon enough. OneDrive? Cloudy Office? Pushing your data to their cloud? It's headed there. They don't want you to keep anything on the local PC but instead put it in their cloud so it can be monetized.. either by paying rent or maybe analyzed for ads.

      Do try to keep up and also: be afraid. Be very afraid.

      1. OffBeatMammal

        Re: How many average users will use this stuff?

        unlike Google and to some extend Apple with their iCloud strategy.

        hybrid cloud/local solutions are here to stay, and I'd probably trust MS more than I do Google not to monetize based on the content of my Word docs

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: How many average users will use this stuff?

          "I'd probably trust MS more than I do Google"

          Luckily, the 3rd option remains, trust neither and run local applications.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: How many average users will use this stuff?

          Google never do not monetize based on my google drive contents. However, my searches are monetized, Google 's model is clear. We can't say the same thing with MS which is spying as well without telling you.

  10. Fenton

    All well and good, but

    All these features that the average punter will not use.

    Yet simple things like the windows store breaking with insider previews are rife.

    Have had to go back to a normal release build

    1. Notas Badoff

      Re: All well and good, but

      Wow, someone(s) went to the trouble of creating several ids just so they could downvote MS-dismissive comments several times? What mindset would consider that a 'good' idea ... oh, yes ... nevermind.

      1. Updraft102

        Re: All well and good, but

        The same mindset that says that paying people to go out there and insult MS detractors is a good marketing strategy. You can't swing a dead rat on a string without hitting Microsoft astroturfers in any of these comment sections.

        1. Mark 85

          Re: All well and good, but

          They probably use the Microsoft Tech Support people in India to do the astroturfing when not making calls about the viruses on your computer. Mines the one with the dead phone in the pocket so they can't call me.

        2. VinceH

          Re: All well and good, but

          Wow, I wish I was being paid to insult MS - then I'd be getting paid to do something I enjoy.

        3. Zoopy

          Re: All well and good, but

          "You can't swing a dead rat on a string without hitting Microsoft astroturfers ..."

          You make that sound like a bad thing. Who doesn't want to hit them with a dead cat?

          1. Kiwi

            Re: All well and good, but

            Who doesn't want to hit them with a dead cat?

            Me. I'm kinda partial to cats.

            Rats.. Well, some things even they shouldn't be used for.. How about lawyers and politicians? Need a few less of them around.

    2. DailyLlama

      Re: All well and good, but

      I've been using Windows 10 since it was released in July last year, and haven't once been motivated to look at the store... no loss there!

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Strange Grey Bar?

    I guess not enough people were up with MS wanting to take them to the grey bar.

    Wanting to take them to to the grey bar.

    Wanting to take them to the grey bar, grey bar, grey bar.

    Rumours persist that they've still got something they want to put in your computer. They've got something to put in your computer. They've got something to put in your computer. At the grey bar, grey bar, grey bar! (It's that f*****g GWX Windows 10 update, sadly).

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Strange Grey Bar?

      Powered by Electric Six

      1. hplasm

        Re: Strange Grey Bar?

        Electric: Six- the WinX battery life remaining after updating, in minutes.

  12. CliveS

    Stuff to woo the punters?

    So Microsoft, do we have a Onedrive placeholder equivalent now? What's that? No?Oh well, bollocks to installing then.

    1. robinmuk

      Re: Stuff to woo the punters?

      Yes. Look in the Windows store at the new OneDrive app. Don't confuse this with the standard OneDrivr sync client.

      1. CliveS

        Re: Stuff to woo the punters?

        Looked at the new OneDrive app. Okay-ish, but not a placeholder replacement so no use if I want to leave (for example) 50GB of music files in a OneDrive folder in the cloud and use the XBox music app to play without the files being stored locally as well. Getting there though, just slowly...

  13. Douchus McBagg


    I'm just amazed I've not seen anyone mention the penguin yet, followed by a personal anecdote listing full system specs, plus brand/flavour/colour/number of their preferred version and about how it's revolutionised their life, and the lives of all those around them. finished off with an implication that any other choice is for idiots.

    man up and get a proper OS. Solaris is life.

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: Penguinistas

      Slowaris? I expect it is for life, yes.

    2. azaks

      Re: Penguinistas

      >> I'm just amazed I've not seen anyone mention the penguin yet, followed by a personal anecdote listing full system specs, plus brand/flavour/colour/number of their preferred version and about how it's revolutionised their life, and the lives of all those around them. finished off with an implication that any other choice is for idiots.

      You forgot nan. You cant leave out poor old nan.

      Supposedly, posting that old people get their interweb fix on *buntu gives it cred in the usability stakes (i.e. "if my nan can do it, so can you"). Personally I find this incredibly ageist and sexist, and I intend to write a telegram to my local MP about it...

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Penguinistas

      "I'm just amazed I've not seen anyone mention the penguin yet"

      We've given up, anyone still using Windows after the nagging we've done deserves the pain they get. Besides, we need to help those who have seen the light get settled in their new operating systems.

      1. azaks

        Re: Penguinistas

        >> We've given up, anyone still using Windows after the nagging we've done deserves the pain they get

        You have not given up.

        The only thing worse than a recently reformed smoker or someone that just "got religion" is the recent OSS convert. Suddenly everything else is painfully inferior, morally challenged and anyone that uses it is an idiot (and/or a shill).

        I use windows 10 for 10-12 hours a day across 3 different machines. If it caused me "pain", I would use something else. And I'm certainly not going to change just because some anonymous muppet tells me about all of the pain that I am supposed to be experiencing.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Penguinistas

          "The only thing worse than a recently reformed smoker or someone that just "got religion" is the recent OSS convert."

          Who are you calling recently reformed?

          "I use windows 10 for 10-12 hours a day across 3 different machines."


          Also, you may want to keep an eye on your blood pressure. It was a joke. ;-)

  14. Captain Underpants

    On nano server's 64-bit-onliness

    Microsoft haven't released a 32bit version of Windows Server 2008 R2. So being 64-bit only isn't limited to Nano Server instances.

    No, I don't know why it bothered me enough to post about it either, but there you go...

  15. W. Anderson

    Why not pick Docker on UNIX/Linux base to begin with?

    Since Docker Containerization has become almost indespensible in the Cloud Computing arena, Why would any knowledgeable Cloud purchaser go with Microsoft when most all of the Docker development community indicate significant performance and reliability advantages of Docker under Linux and UNIX-like operating systems" (OS) clouds than on Hyper-V, or Azure.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Why not pick Docker on UNIX/Linux base to begin with?

      Do not forget that Linux container has been introduced by Google (cgroup in 2006) to implement Borg(2008). Nowadays Chromium is powering Google Container Engine and Container Kuberntes Engine. ChromeOS which is powering also Chromebook will enable Android to run natively in a container of Chromebook.

  16. ilithium

    Loving SatNad

    Even since SatNad took over, I've seen Microsoft change massively - and all for the better. I grew up in an age where I loathed the way Microsoft siloed everything and they're now on a pathway to full interoperability with common systems.

    This, together with their openness, is incredibly admirable.

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