back to article Reg photography special: Get a better snap of a BLACK HOLE

MIT boffins have developed an algorithm to help astrophysicists see the unseen, improving the resolution of black hole “images”. Working with Harvard University collaborators, the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) researchers' algorithm improves the imaging quality of the international-scale Event …

  1. jake Silver badge

    Post pics or retract!

    More seriously, I'm looking forward to viewing the outcome of this bit of math(s).

    1. Little Mouse

      Re: Post pics or retract!

      If you could get close enough you could take an actual photo. But how close would that need to be?

      A bit too close for comfort would be my guess.

  2. Mage Silver badge


    Now if we had a copy of the new 500m Chinese Radio telescope on the edge of the near side/far side of the moon, or steerable on either moon pole, that would be a nice aperture combined with Earth based dishes.

    1. Rich 11

      Re: Wonderful

      Pfft. That's thinking too small. We should resurrect Project Orion, tunnel out a cube of rock containing the Arecibo dish and launch it out beyond Pluto. Once at the focal point of the sun's gravitational lensing, we'd have the solar system's largest possible simple telescope.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Wonderful

      We don't need the biggest possible dish, multiple not quite so big dishes spaced out using interferometry is cheaper and provides better resolution. If we could launch a radio telescope satellite into orbit nearly opposite the Earth on the other side of the Sun (not exactly on the other side, or we couldn't communicate with it) we would have a massive baseline and could get much better images.

  3. WalterAlter

    "Black Hole" is Phlogiston on Rye with a Side of Ectoplasm

    This is the only real "black hole" in the entire Universe and when scientists discover it, there will be wailing all along the watchtower until a roseate dawn of actual logic arises upon the cardboard box underpass whore we call academia.

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