I'm through to the second round, I offered $5, two scotch eggs and friends reunited.
Verizon has submitted a second-round bid to acquire Yahoo!'s core internet business, according to reports. The Wall Street Journal reported that the telco would offer $3bn in Yahoo!'s second bidding round, which closed earlier this morning. It is unlikely to be the final round of bidding, with Jerry and David's Guide to the …
How much will Yahoo! have to sell for, for Meyer's tenure to be considered a success? Yang left $45billion on the table, but can Meyer still hold her head up-high for $3bn? You know she won't step down without her legacy secured as the most bestest Yahoo! CEO! Ever! She bought Tumblr you guys!
A while ago VZ, for some strange reason, acquired AOL. Ad revenue? A currency collection from no longer existing nations? Confederate dollars. Zimbabwe trillion notes.
angelfire? excite?
Seriously, I took the AOL deal as a sign that VZ no longer had a viable business model for future growth.
Selling phones on the installment plan, then announcing they were securitizing those loans ata discount for operating cash, was when I knew my decision to retire was correct.