Re: Nothing new
'4 months prison for singing a song'
Aye, just singing a harmless wee sectarian song,
I take it you've never been on a bus or a train where some idiot starts singing 'The Sash' or 'Billy Boys' or 'Athenry' or 'Ibrox Disaster' with the sole intention of causing trouble and it kicks off?
I take it you've never been punched for being a 'fenian cunt' (and I'm not a Catholic) just because some shithead decided to 'sing a song' and you happened to be in the vicinity?
From the article you link to
'..Simply for singing this lewd tune which for decades has formed part of the stadium-based, mostly harmless wind-ups between Rangers and Celtic fans, '
Oh sure, such songs are just lewd and a 'mostly harmless wind-up', I missed the fact that getting punched in the face as I sat on a public bus minding my own business was both 'mostly harmless' and merely part of a 'wind-up', oh, wait, maybe it's only a 'mostly harmless wind-up' when sectarian songs are sung in a stadium...
These songs have 'baggage', they're not just harmless 'banter' or 'folk songs' as some apologists would have it.
For the record, I'm an atheist, my mother was a Catholic from a 'mixed' family (Catholic & Protestant) and my father was an atheist from a Protestant family, so I have relatives and bigots on both sides. The Bigotry isn't just 'about football', that's just a surface manifestation of something which runs a lot deeper. It saddens me to say that I have Bigots for relatives who are quite happy to call my 2 year old great nephew 'a wee Orange bastard' and his mother, my niece, 'a Fenian whore' and truly mean it, such is life in some parts of 21st century Scotland.