I want a big ass desktop chip
They should do a 32 core chip for Android desktops PCs.
Android lends itself well to multi-threading. It has an AsyncTask class, which makes multi-threading super-easy, plus all the usual threading stuff.
It's clear as day Android is heading into Desktop territory next.
ARM chips don't compete with desktop Intels, those 8 core ARM v8 mobiles chips are i3 class chips on the desktop.
BUT, I see that Applied Micro X Gene 3 chips are around 2:1 comparable to Xeon E5s, i.e. 2 of their ARM cores is equivalent performance to an E5's core, Xeon tops out at 18 cores/socket, whereas ARM tops out at 64 cores/socket. Without the power constraints of mobile, you can make some seriously fast ARM chips.
So you could make a decent desktop chip with say 32 64 bit ARM cores, and a decent number of Mali GPU cores for desktop PCs and that would leave an i7 for dust when running Android*. We'd just ramp up the thread pool size to take advantage of the extra processing and fewer task threads would end up queued.
Not convinced? Well look, the Chinese are barred from buying top of the line Xeons for their supercomputers. Which just means they're making their own 64 core ARM chips. And they're already playing with multi-window versions of Android, so its not difficult to see whats going to happen there.
* Indeed, they'd leave the $3000 18 core Xeons for dust, if the Xeon runs Windows because Windows is largely single threaded and most apps run in the single OS's main thread on one core. Whereas on Android, at one point you weren't even allowed to write to Flash in the main thread, it threw an exception, so even the most basic apps were pushed to be threaded.