back to article User group spawns home lab how-to community

London's VMware user group (VMUG) has spawned a new community dedicated to the design, construction and operation of home labs. VMUGs are often the scene of discussion about home labs, which VMware folk have in the past suggested are essential for getting ahead now that bosses won't pay for training. The April 2016 meeting of …

  1. Alex Galbraith
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    Community Effort

    This site will live or die by the contributions of the community. The team have put in an awesome amount of work already, but the more people who contribute, the more the community will get back out of it in the long run...

    It doesn't take more than a few minutes to get involved by editing / adding to an existing article, or spend a little longer and create some entirely new content! Every little helps!

    1. Sir Runcible Spoon
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      Re: Community Effort

      You've convinced me.

      I'll document my lab build when I get to doing it. Unfortunately that is currently a lower priority than about 50 other things I have on my list - and none of them are much fun :( God I'm depressed, here I am...etc.

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