He's lucky
There are some states where such an act would put you on the sex offenders register for life, get your kids taken away from you and... well I don't need to go on. (applies to both No 1's and No 2's).
An Arizona TV journalist on assignment covering the alleged sacrifice and smoking of a family poodle was arrested earlier this week for allegedly dropping his pants and dumping a load in public. According to the Phoenix New Times, CBS 5's Jonathan Lowe is alleged to have been caught short in the Phoenix suburb of Goodyear, …
Was the issue that he used the neighbour's front yard, though? Property rights and all that. AFAIK the runner made use of the public highway (and displayed true British grit in the process.)
I am surprised that these investigative journalists with vans never seem to have discovered the Porta-Potti (other trademarks available), as I believe private detectives have been buying these for many years.
I doubt it :)
The USA has advantages of numbers :) UK would need an idiot rate roughly 5 times that of the USA.
That being said, there's probably some imbecile breeding program that the UK has where the ultimate Goth-Saxeburg-Fuckwit cross can be achieved :)
>"Americans are seriously weird. Anon."
In defense of America Arizona isn't like most other places as well. I love it but yeah generally when we are in the news (too often) its not for good reasons. At least our retarded political leadership seems to have avoided passing a lets leave the union type bill this year. Surprised they are not leading the charge on bathroom bills actually.
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Re: Arizona really is not so bad
I've not heard of a "Lets leave the union bill."
I have heard of bills that allow people to decide if they want to belong to a union or not being mischaracterized that way.
Having been a member of both the Teamsters and CWA, I would have left both if I had been allowed to do so and keep my job. Eventually, I left those jobs instead - and I was glad to see the back of those lowlife POS unions.
>I've not heard of a "Lets leave the union bill."
Sorry agreed poorly worded. Meant secede from the Union (for example state laws proclaiming Federal land is now Arizona state land or that the state can ignore POTUS executive actions etc). As for labor unions if you don't like them Arizona is your state (right to work laws, etc). In fact I don't know if any other state is as anti union.
Yes we don't have a petition to leave the Union, but we did pass Prop 122 (with late ballots) that allows Arizona to restrict state and local governments from using personnel and money to enforce or administer any federal law or program that is “not consistent with the Constitution of the United States.”
And the AZ Legislature regularly crafts Bills (1433, 2368, 2643) to ignore federal laws we don't like.
>restrict state and local governments from using personnel and money to enforce or administer any federal law or program that is “not consistent with the Constitution of the United States.”
Yes because that is something state government should be determining instead of the SCOTUS. Its amazing for supposedly not having any money for schools how much money this state has to waste on useless worthless lawsuits to score political points. Our politics would be a lot less screwed up if the general elections were in July when the snow birds are gone. Seems old white people here don't care about the future except making their last few years comfortable. Still Arizona is great and it could be worse. We could be New Mexico and have no economy (outside government pork) lol.