Politician claims porn tabs a malware experiment, then finds God
Congressional candidate Mike Webb had an immediate explanation for the porn tabs in his browser: he was conducting his own malware experiment. The Republican, who is vying for Virginia's 8th district, posted a screenshot of his computer to his Facebook page about a call he had received from a staffing agency, but failed to …
Tuesday 17th May 2016 18:57 GMT David Webb
I don't see the problem
He looks at porn, no big deal, if it's legal in all aspects then why not?
Obviously, if I were a politician my excuse would be "I'm trying to find ways to help the adult entertainment industry, these people are a cornerstone of our society and if I can pay $19.99 to look... wait, there is free porn on the internet? Fuck".
Tuesday 17th May 2016 19:48 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: I don't see the problem
Was going to say he probably needs the Ned Flanders wing of the population to get elected but looking at that district all he needs to do is to promise more government (I know hard for a Republican, until they get elected that is). Fairfax is the land of million dollar homes built on the public's dime.
Tuesday 17th May 2016 19:54 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: I don't see the problem
The problem is that he's one of those holier than thou Christian conservatives who think they should be allowed to regulate what others do according to their own morality.
It is because he's a hypocrite who was caught looking at porn when he'd probably vote to ban online porn if he had a chance (which he probably won't get now) not because he was simply caught looking at porn.
The fact he's tying himself into verbal knots trying to explain this away with several different stories just makes it all the more newsworthy. Sort of a Streisand Effect via verbal diarrhea! I doubt it would have registered (sorry) on the Reg's radar or even got much notice outside the state of Virginia if he'd simply said "I apologize to my supporters for that, I experienced a moment of weakness and will pray for the strength to do better" and left it at that.
Wednesday 18th May 2016 07:56 GMT Rich 11
Re: I don't see the problem
or even got much notice outside the state of Virginia if he'd simply said "I apologize to my supporters for that, I experienced a moment of weakness and will pray for the strength to do better" and left it at that.
Or he could actually have been honest and said, "Sorry about that, folks. I was having a wank when my press officer called and suggested I upload a screenshot for the staffing story. I should have closed the tabs first but I really wanted to get back to them while I was still in the mood."
Wednesday 18th May 2016 18:18 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: I don't see the problem
Yes, the bible thumping brigade will shout from the heavens (or at least from inside a Target store) that godless heathens are destroying this once-fine land and the LGBTQ community are plotting to destroy them. Meanwhile, they are often the ones found taking "wide stances" in public restrooms, engaging in extra-marital affairs (with successive wives and wives-to-be), sexually abusing children, or having a wank at the office.
Tuesday 17th May 2016 20:33 GMT Anonymous Coward
Ah kk I see
Ah one of those total dingleberry local yocals that appear in local elections for cycle after cycle but never get any higher usually for very good reasons. Was going to say like Todd Akin but wow just found out Missouri actually elected him 5x to the House (pretty sure that district is a funky shape to avoid the poors and the coloreds). The show me Ferguson state comes through in the clutch.
Tuesday 17th May 2016 22:46 GMT Dadmin
Re: Wrong shaming
Yahoo! Searches ARE Bing, you moron. They use the same data and come from the same gateway.
Now, I remember back in 1997/98 I was working at a well known Unix house and my new cube mate went out of his way to tell me that he's a "christian." What a fucking idiot. Anyway, this stupid asshole does porn watching AT WORK. I busted him TWICE. Fucking religious people are just bags of useless shit with a shirt, and sometimes a hat. Fucking BUS WANKERS!!1!
Tuesday 17th May 2016 23:19 GMT asdf
Re: Wrong shaming
I was just looking at market share numbers. I forgot who is in bed with who these days. When both of them together are less than %10 of the market I feel I can be forgiven for not really giving a flying fsck about either. Personally all my searches either go through duckduckgo (granted small share also but no user tracking is king) or if I have to go through Google they go through disconnect.me
Tuesday 17th May 2016 22:04 GMT Anonymous Coward
The Ballad of Mike Webb
Mike Webb was looking forlorn,
He'd been spotted surfing for porn.
An eagle-eyed nosey servant of Satan,
Destroyed the story Mike was creatin'
By telling the press that Mike was a pervert,
Spending his evenings soiling his shirt.
We all laughed at the bit about Layla,
But that gave Mikey a humour failure.
His explanation on saving the net,
the daftest crap from a politico yet.
But when the story became overblown,
Michael Webb just searched for Ivone,
Checking first that his kids weren't at home,
He sat in his study, strokin' the bone.
Wednesday 18th May 2016 11:52 GMT DwarfPants
Check,Think, Adjust, Post (Green cross code of social media)
Who in their right mind posts something to the internet (particularly when in a public position) without giving it a once over to make sure it does not contain anything that the outside world has no right to know about. Not really thinking about pron here, but innocuous stuff like web mail tabs, other applications etc.
Official duties whilst browsing pron, head in hands, face palm (maybe just bang head on desk,hands not available) we should set an award like the Darwin awards for spectacular political suicide where IT is the weapon of choice
Wednesday 18th May 2016 18:02 GMT BusyPoorDad
This guy is a Walter Mitty (Stolen Valor) POG also
His comment "Thanks for the Tab Check Ranger Buddies" is due to his false claim that he was an Airborne Ranger.
His thinking is that since he was a legal clerk assigned to the 2nd Ranger Battalion, that automatically made him a Ranger. It did not, a Ranger is someone that has completed the Ranger course of training and awarded a "tab" (patch that goes over the unit patch)
So being called on his false claim of having a Tab, he waffles and tries to twist things just like he did with the porn.