back to article 'Knucklehead' Kansas bloke shoots self in foot

A Kansas high school graduation ceremony ended prematurely for two attendees yesterday when one shot himself in the foot with a concealed handgun, in the process seriously wounding another. According to local news outlet KWCH, the incident occurred just before 2pm yesterday at Augusta High School's outdoor stadium, when a man …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Acts of God...

    My impression is that gun accidents are seen in the US as unpredictable freaks rather than sad consequences of negligence - anywhere else I'd expect the authorities to be prosecuting him for causing serious injury through negligence, not pondering whether he did it in the wrong place. Whether that woman got shot at a school, a mall, or on a street pales in comparison to this man's reckless stupidity and apparent unfitness to have such a weapon anywhere.

    1. Triggerfish

      Re: Acts of God...

      Funnily enough we was talking about this sort of thing this morning, 200 incidents involving children in US already this year.

      I think you need god when people do things like leave loaded guns loose under the car seat for kids to pick up, take guns to weddings, seriously a bride killed her niece adjusting the gun in the limo. Tuck loaded weapons (with no safety?) in socks. You certainly don't seem to be able to rely on common sense of some gun owners.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Acts of God...

        Tuck loaded weapons (with no safety?) in socks.

        If I had been so mad to carry concealed I wouldn't just have it on safety, I would have ensured an empty chamber. Socks are crappy holsters to start with - hard to reach, snaggy and unstable.

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: Acts of God...

          But suppose you were in a situation where you were naked except for your socks and had to deal with an intruder/terrorist/grizzly bear? You wouldn't have time to cycle an empty chamber.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Acts of God...

            But suppose you were in a situation where you were naked except for your socks and had to deal with an intruder/terrorist/grizzly bear? You wouldn't have time to cycle an empty chamber.

            Quite simply, if I felt I had to carry, open or concealed, I'd do that in a proper holster and my assessment of the circumstances would dictate in what modus I'd have the gun itself and my handling of it would match that modus. In general, I like a minimum of two steps between picking up a gun and it firing because mistakes are easily made and bloody hard to undo.

            Further, there are no circumstances I can think of where I would keep on my socks when naked :).

            1. Stoneshop

              Re: Acts of God...

              Further, there are no circumstances I can think of where I would keep on my socks when naked :).

              Not a member of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers then?

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Acts of God...

          One in the chamber is fine, no safety is fine (See Glock, SD et al) but a proper holster that covers the trigger is a must. Also, ankle holsters are crap except in very particular circumstances.

          1. Ben Tasker

            Re: Acts of God...

            > Also, ankle holsters are crap except in very particular circumstances.

            For example when you're a leggy femme fatale in a movie that's just looking for an excuse to show some leg :)

            It might be a limited imagination, but I can't think of a civilian circumstance where it'd likely be beneficial as it's more of a "backup" thing

          2. Fred Flintstone Gold badge

            Re: Acts of God...

            One in the chamber is fine, no safety is fine (See Glock, SD et al) but a proper holster that covers the trigger is a must. Also, ankle holsters are crap except in very particular circumstances

            You remind me of this fantastic clip. It still makes me laugh.

          3. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Acts of God...

            On in the chamber and no safety is fine if you are entering a dangerous area where you know you may be forced to fire quickly to save lives (including yours).

            If you are in a school for an end of year ceremony, you should not have the gun with you in the first place, and you're not a cop aware of some menace, you're just a danger.

    2. Wzrd1 Silver badge

      Re: Acts of God...

      As a multiple firearm owner, I'll just state outright, this is yet another case of negligence and it's also a felony to carry a firearm onto school property. Not seeing a sign isn't considered an affirmative defense in the US, it's well known where to not carry on school property.

    3. zen1

      Re: Acts of God...

      Maybe I'm a bit harsh for a gun owner, but that wasn't accidental, that was stupidity, pure and simple. I've paid a fortune for licenses, permits and classes on safety and properly handling a firearm, and it's jackweeds like him that give honest and responsible people, like me, a really bad name.

      In short, I was taught a long time ago that there are no accidents with guns. Period. Either you respect them and treat them properly or you're simply choosing to act irresponsibly and are endangering innocent people. A sock doesn't securely contain a pistol safely, no matter how small. Even a child can figure that one out.

      I have not one iota of sympathy for him or his foot! My heart goes out to the woman he injured and as far as I'm concerned, he should be completely financially responsible for any and all medical bills for her, related to this and he should have his ass locked away for several decades, for almost killing someone.

  2. RIBrsiq

    What a sorry state of affairs when a prominent sign -- and whether or not someone saw it -- is part of an investigation into a shooting on a high school's campus.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      There are so many prominent signs in this country, one can't be expected to notice them.

      Dumbass still should've known better than to bring a gun onto school property, in his sock. This is not a problem with guns or America, just this guy.

      1. Gordon 10 Silver badge

        Au contraire its a problem for any country that thinks it appropriate to carry guns around in public for no particular reason or purpose other than because its some stupidly interpreted "right" that made some sense a few centuries ago but does not now.

        1. J Bourne

          1,2 , few?

          Pedantic nit-pick time a 'few' i.e. 3 (centuries) or more? USA Bill of rights was December the 15th 1791 which makes it less than 300 years ago....There's another 75 to go yet before it's a few....

          1. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge

            Re: 1,2 , few?

            No, no, no!

            It's "One, two, many, LOTS"

            Didn't you listen to sgt. Detritus?

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Au contraire, it's a problem for any country that thinks it appropriate to carry guns around in public for no particular reason or purpose other than because its some stupidly interpreted "right" that made some sense a few centuries ago but does not now.

          Ah, but they need those guns to defend themselves against people with, well, guns. The NRA has been allowed to do quite a number on the psyche of that nation. Personally I'd be more worried about getting accidentally shot by such an idiot or their police than getting robbed - that seems nowadays a relatively minor risk in comparison.

        3. Jeffrey Nonken

          ...Because repressive governments are so passé.

      2. Hollerithevo

        "Just this guy"

        It's always "just this guy" or "just that stupid parent" or every other individual who risked themselves and others. It's always taken down to a single example. But it's always "all those feminist who said..." or "the Liberal media" or "These terrorists" rather than "just one woman who said", "a reporter who wrote" or "just one violent guy who bombed".

        Why is it that gun-owners get to step away from a group identity whens something bad or stupid happens? I myself like guns, but when I have possession of my fire-arm, I'm not suddenly in a responsibility-free bubble where I am accountable to no one and to blame for nothing.

        1. Mark 85

          Re: "Just this guy"

          Why is it that gun-owners get to step away from a group identity whens something bad or stupid happens?

          For the same reason that way too many people get away with doing stupid crap in a car such as driving while distracted or under the influence. Or going to the absurd reality... falling off a ladder. It's the "accident'" mentality. Can't blame ourselves so it was "an accident". A rather disgusting state of affairs.

          I too am a gun-owner, but I take just as much personal responsibility for the gun as anything thing. Same for the car and driving. Or climbing a ladder.

      3. martinusher Silver badge

        Chicken and Egg

        >This is not a problem with guns or America, just this guy.

        Unfortunately there's no way to stop guys like this buying guns. There's also no way to stop them hurting random people; they're weapons and if they go off the bullet's going to go somewhere. So while it may be his right to own, carry or whatever a gun its also my right to be free from the menace of random ordnance going off because we can't regulate properly who owns the hardware.

      4. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        That's a lot of downvotes. If you're Americans who love signs and/or hate guns, this country is fucked. I hope you're simply foreigners who hate America.

        EDIT: Sorry, I didn't see your prominent replies, there were so many. You seem to be gun haters who believe that gun owners are all idiots who think alike. You are wrong. This country is full of idiots of all stripes. We are truly fucked.

        1. Gordon 10 Silver badge

          Anyone whose not culturally blind hates guns. They are too easy to use and too easy to abuse.

          At best they are a unnecessary toy for 99% of people at worst their presence destabilizes the whole environment where they are easy to get hold of.

          1. codejunky Silver badge

            @ Gordon 10

            "Anyone whose not culturally blind hates guns. They are too easy to use and too easy to abuse."

            Anyone whose not culturally blind doesnt insult a large portion of the law abiding population. It can cause unnecessary conflict.

    2. Rich 11

      a prominent sign -- and whether or not someone saw it

      Does this mean that sock-holster-gun-fondler-guy could be judged blameless if he turns out to be functionally illiterate?

      1. Triggerfish

        @Rich 11

        Makes you wonder how he was graduating.

      2. Wzrd1 Silver badge

        "Does this mean that sock-holster-gun-fondler-guy could be judged blameless if he turns out to be functionally illiterate?"

        Nope. Ignorance of the law is not a defense in the US. This sounds like someone has connections, so they're actively trying to not charge him with a felony.

        Pity, convicted felons lose the right to possess a firearm.

  3. Christoph

    What was he thinking?

    I'm having trouble working out what he thought he was doing.

    A sock is not a very accessible place to keep a gun.What did he think he would use it for? Even in the US fantasy of being a hero and foiling crime, he wouldn't have time to get to it. If directly mugged he could have problems if he asked the mugger to wait while he got the sock off.

    So presumably it was to resist searches? Did he expect to be searched coming onto the grounds but wanted to smuggle the gun in anyway? Is he a criminal wanting to get a gun past police? Or did he have a fantasy of being prepared in case he was kidnapped?

    Or just the apparently widespread idea in the US that you have to have a gun with you at all times just in case?

    1. teebie

      Re: What was he thinking?

      he was thinking either rarely, and with little effect

    2. codejunky Silver badge

      Re: What was he thinking?

      I would assume this is stupidity mixing with madness. The stupidity is carrying a gun in his sock, to wear a gun on your ankle you wear an ankle holster for safety. I am guessing he couldnt wear an ankle holster as it would be potentially noticed which is only a problem because of the madness of gun free zones, or massacre centres depending how you want to look at it. I can imagine he thought he was doing the right thing in case a situation occurred but what he did was stupid.

      Of course that assumes he wasnt trying to sneak it in for any bad reason where nobody else would be armed.

      1. Peter Simpson 1

        Re: What was he thinking?

        Round chambered, safety off, and in his sock? Doesn't sound like a very responsible gun owner to me.

        1. Triggerfish

          Re: What was he thinking?

          My goodness I didn't even contemplate he would not have an ankle holster. WTF.

        2. Anomalous Croissant

          Re: What was he thinking?

          The article says it was a Kel-tec P-3AT .380, which has no safety, and a light trigger pull. Really stupid to holster in his sock!

      2. Roo

        Re: What was he thinking?

        "cause of the madness of gun free zones, or massacre centres depending how you want to look at it"

        I've had loaded guns with the safety off aimed directly at me at a range of under 5m on several occasions. In every case the perp was entitled to use firearms, and they were drunk. On all those occasions I had no real warning beyond the fact they were (legally) carrying a firearm, and in none of those cases would I have had time to even raise & aim a firearm without being lethally wounded. The only thing that kept me alive was making sure they understood there was nothing to gain by shooting me, any sign of a gun would have signed my death warrant.

        In all those situations I've been on the wrong end of a gun, removing the firearms would have vastly improved my odds of survival. I got lucky, others haven't been so lucky.

        Ideally (for me) the lawful use of a firearm should require close (independent) supervision where every discharge of the firearm will be recorded and verified, that firearms may be concealed, but anyone carrying firearms should be clearly marked as doing so and the purpose of the firearms should be declared (and agreed with the supervisory body) prior to use. The purpose of the firearms should also be *publically* displayed on the bearer of firearms (uniforms are already used for this purpose).

        Laws pretty much cover all of the above in most countries, and there are knob-ends in most countries too, so the madness is that the supervision/enforcement just isn't good enough.

        Having said all that I reckon that keeping folks who can't hold their booze off the streets (or keeping them away from booze) would have a more beneficial effect on the quality of life for everyone everywhere. :)

        1. imanidiot Silver badge

          Re: What was he thinking?

          What I don't understand is that "possession of a firearm while intoxicated" is not already a crime in the US. Either you get to carry a firearm or you get to drink booze. Either, Or. Not both. Firearms are dangerous at the best of times. Having easy access to one while boozed up is just stupid. Drinking and driving is already (rightfully) heavily penalized. Even sitting in a car with the key in the ignition while fast asleep is enough to be charged with a DIU (intent to drive, basically). So why isn't having a firearm on your person or close-by ready to go a similar offense? The consequences of having an accident are greatly similar.

        2. Wzrd1 Silver badge

          Re: What was he thinking?

          I grew up and lived as an adult in an "open carry" state - Pennsylvania. I've since relocated to Louisiana, another "open carry" state.

          The funny thing is, few bother to carry a firearm.

          Decades ago, I lived in a rather lousy neighborhood in Philadelphia, so I got a concealed carry permit. That resulted in much more frequent cleanings of my pistol and one evening, while cleaning the pistol, I pondered just how much of a good sport an armed criminal would have to be to await my drawing my firearm, so that we'd be evenly matched.

          So, I put the cleaned pistol back into its safe and only took it out to go to and from a range, permitting the concealed carry permit to expire.

        3. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: What was he thinking?

          "In every case the perp was entitled to use firearms, and they were drunk."

          Maybe there should be a drink-carry limit like the drink-drive limit.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What was he thinking?

      It's just the classic idiot who had watched too many movies. Without realizing the actor put the gun in his or her socket only just before they shot that close up scene.

  4. Anonymous Coward

    Clearly the only way to stop a gunman who hasn't seen the signs

    is to equip the signs themselves with guns.

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Clearly the only way to stop a gunman who hasn't seen the signs

        Don't know who is downvoting you... putting people on the "wrong" side of a gun helps a lot to make them understand the risks of carrying guns around without a real need - and often even without being able to properly handle them as well, as the dangerous idiot in the article shows.

    2. Vladimir Plouzhnikov

      Re: Clearly the only way to stop a gunman who hasn't seen the signs

      Clearly the only way to stop a gunman who hasn't seen the signs is to equip the signs themselves with guns.

      Ah - like they do in Gibraltar!

      Go try to ignore these signs...

      Close up here...


  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Guns don't kill people...

    ...graduates do!

    1. Andrew Moore

      Re: Guns don't kill people...

      better- Guns don't kill people, americans with guns kill people.

  6. james 68

    Driving for dummies.

    "Although just how much damage the hapless shooter did to his foot is unclear, he was able to drive himself to hospital, KWCH notes."

    Could have blown the bloody thing clean off and still do that. It IS America, Fool only needs one foot to drive an automatic.

    1. Peter Simpson 1

      Re: Driving for dummies.

      Manual transmissions save lives!

      // try texting while driving a stick

      1. james 68

        Re: Driving for dummies.

        Probably a tad less difficult than when driving a car. ;-)


      2. RIBrsiq

        Re: Driving for dummies.

        >> try texting while driving a stick.

        You'd think it would be almost impossible, wouldn't you...?

        We have manual transmission almost exclusively here, and I am sorry to report that most people, through what I assume must be an extraordinary dent of effort, still manage to use their phones while driving. Including texting!

        My own view is that anyone calling me while I am driving can probably wait until I am done. Unless it's a god calling, in which case I expect s/he should be able to manage another means of communication anyway.

        1. tony72

          Re: Driving for dummies.

          Fourth gear can easily take you from a standstill to well over the speed limit, no gear changes needed. It might cost you a bit of clutch wear, but if you're the kind of person who texts and drives, you'll probably be oblivious to the smell of toasted clutch, same as pretty much everything else going on around you on the road.

  7. dervheid

    Ignorance is no excuse

    If it were, prisons in the US would be empty...

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    On the BEEB:

    And STILL the Americans (Fuck YEAH) dont seem to see what the problems with their gun laws are..

  9. cantankerous swineherd

    obv a c programmer.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Obviously didn't toe the line. The signs were there...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I hope he foots the bill for the

      bystander's medical bills.

  11. Richard Simpson

    Not sure what charges?

    "The authorities are now pondering what charges the gun owner may face."

    Really! Do I deduce that the USA has now reached such an extreme level of loonyness that discharging a firearm in a crowded building and injuring someone might not actually be a crime?

    1. Robert Helpmann??

      Re: Not sure what charges?

      "The authorities are now pondering what charges the gun owner may face."

      Really! Do I deduce that the USA has now reached such an extreme level of loonyness that discharging a firearm in a crowded building and injuring someone might not actually be a crime?

      Hardly. This statement most likely reflects the "need" to figure out which set of charges to file against the loony in question will render the harshest of penalties in aggregate. Why stop with a single charge when you can collect the whole set?

    2. not.known@this.address

      Re: Not sure what charges?

      I would expect (hope) that is meant to indicate they are pondering what charges from a list of several applicable charges rather then "will he or won't he" face any at all.

  12. SolidSquid

    Something I'm a little surprised at is that the concealed carry licence doesn't require you carry the weapon in a suitable holster to prevent risk of injury to bystanders. Actually I'm kind of surprised that safe storage of firearms isn't part of *all* gun licences, but if you're carrying a concealed one it certainly seems like you should be required to do that, rather than just stick it in a sock

    1. Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

      Actually I'm surprised that anyone feels the need for a concealed carry permit. I mean, really...

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      US law has a different emphasis to a lot of UK law. There's a lot less preventative law (Ones applying before you screw up) but the ones you break if you do transgress are pretty draconian.

    3. Wzrd1 Silver badge

      "Actually I'm kind of surprised that safe storage of firearms isn't part of *all* gun licences..."

      I've never had a license to possess a firearm, I have had a concealed carry permit.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        @wZRD1 - concealed carry

        I have had a concealed carry permit.

        I'm genuinely interested - why did you need to carry a concealed firearm?

  13. phuzz Silver badge

    It just goes to show that the only way to stop an idiot with a gun in his sock is, oh, actually he stopped himself.

  14. Pen-y-gors

    Guns can actually be quite dangerous

    Some interesting statistics:

    Last year, estimated deaths by shooting of children under 19 in the USA 2,600 (that's two thousand six hundred)

    2013, total deaths on British roads from all causes 1713

    Makes you think (well, obviously doesn't make american gun nuts think, but should make anyone with a working brain think)

    1. Mephistro

      Re: Guns can actually be quite dangerous

      Totally agreed.

      And for those who think that weapons in the hands of citizens help curb crime: Number of Firearms stolen in burglaries every year in the US = ~250,000.

      1. A Non e-mouse Silver badge

        Re: Guns can actually be quite dangerous

        Sorry to be a pedant, but the press release you linked to says that 172,000 guns were stolen during burglaries, with the other 60,000 stolen during other property crimes.

        1. Hollerithevo

          Re: Guns can actually be quite dangerous

          More Americans have been killed by toddlers in 2016 than by terrorists. Imagine growing up knowing you killed your brother or your mother. And yet the adults who brought the gun into the house and left it unsafely in a place where a toddler can pick it up tend to get off scot-free, because it was "just a tragic accident."

          1. Anonymous Coward

            Re: Guns can actually be quite dangerous

            Yes, having such parents it's truly a tragic accident. You can't jail the toddler, even in US...

          2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

            Re: Guns can actually be quite dangerous

            >More Americans have been killed by toddlers in 2016 than by terrorists

            That's why you need to carry a gun at home - the toddlers are clever and they are organised.

    2. A Non e-mouse Silver badge

      Re: Guns can actually be quite dangerous

      Just to put some context on those figures:

      - Number of under 19s in the US: Approx 83 million. That works out at one death per 29,000.

      - Population of UK. Approx 63 million. That's one death per 36,500.

      1. J Bourne

        Re: Guns can actually be quite dangerous

        That'd be 63 million total of every age, USA approx 320 million. As percentage of total population :

        The USA shoots 0.0008% of it's population under the age of 19.

        The UK runs down 0.002% of it's population under the age of 19.

        But I guess the USA also runs down it's teenagers, and the UK must shoot some of theirs..... Statistics eh?

        1. Mephistro

          Re: Guns can actually be quite dangerous (@ J Bourne)

          "The UK runs down 0.002% of it's population under the age of 19"

          No. The UK runs down 0.0027% of its TOTAL population.

          "The USA shoots 0.0008% of it's population under the age of 19."

          Let's see... Estimated deaths of children and teens by gunfire in the USA: 2600.[/] Number of Children and teen in the USA = 83 millions.[=] 0.0031%

          Your figures are fucked up!

          1. james 68

            Re: Guns can actually be quite dangerous (@ J Bourne)

            I'll just leave this here...

  15. Mr Commenty McComentface

    Hiding a gun in your sock

    When you absolutely have to prove that you're a moron to absolutely everyone, accept no holster.. or substitute.

  16. jonnycando

    +Gordon 10

    ...we certainly don't give a tinker's d**n what anyone thinks about we live.

    1. Hollerithevo

      Re: +Gordon 10

      Good grief, it's 'tinker's dam', meaning a bit of shoddy solder that repairs a crack or hole in a pot and which usually falls off at the first use. It doesn't mean a swear word. Or is 'tinker's damn' joining 'reign in'?

      1. Rich 11

        Re: +Gordon 10

        Or is 'tinker's damn' joining 'reign in'?

        It's doing penance in Illiteracy Corner, along with 'tow the line' and 'could of'.

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: +Gordon 10

          I genuinely didn't know that.

          el'reg - come for the barely recycled press releases of enterprise storage manufacturers - stay for the pedantic etymology

  17. jonnycando

    +Gordon 10

    ...we certainly don't give a tinker's d**n what anyone thinks about how we live.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: +Gordon 10

      What is a d**n?

      Commentard wants to know!!

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: +Gordon 10

        A Tinkers Damn?

        And you censored yourself from saying Damn???

        Good grief man...

        You come from a country quite happy to let its citizens arm and kill themselves, but blaspheme and the almighty might (wont! as he doesn't exist) strike you down?

        1. JetSetJim
          Paris Hilton

          Re: +Gordon 10

          > And you censored yourself from saying Damn???

          D**n that's fucked up

          1. J Bourne

            Re: +Gordon 10

            Just for clarification is D**n = Darn or Damn? ..... +1 for +1 for > "And you censored yourself from saying Damn???" (quoted for the sentence beginning with 'And' : I'm staying on the fence for that debate).

            1. Martin

              Re: +Gordon 10

              So a tinker's dam is a shoddy solder joint? Really?

              Then why do people say in my part of the world that they don't give a tinker's cuss?

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: +Gordon 10

          You come from a country quite happy to let its citizens arm and kill themselves, but blaspheme and the almighty might (wont! as he doesn't exist) strike you down?

          I think it's the same place that considers showing a bare breast on TV far more dangerous to children than constant violence.

      2. Stoneshop

        Re: +Gordon 10

        What is a d**n?

        Darn. Which is what you do with socks that have holes in them, from whatever cause.

  18. kmac499

    At A Grad ceremony

    So the kid had completed his high school education, he's passed a driving test?; and presumably could sign his name on a gun permit.

    Well it's a fair bet he wasn't in line for the "summa cum laude" more like "summa cum nada"

  19. PapaD

    Ambulance chasers are us?

    Been injured in an accident that wasn't your fault - want to sue the person to blame until their grandchildren still won't have any money (assuming they have any), live in a litigation happy country.

    I certainly hope she sues.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Ambulance chasers are us?

      One way to reduce firearms in the US? Ask everybody who wants to carry one to have also a full insurance for any damage they can cause to people and properties. If I suffer damage, I want to be paid a lot of money, even if you are a poor loon who spent his whole monthly pay in guns and ammunition. The insurance sector will be happy, and will back the proposal, I guess...

    2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Ambulance chasers are us?

      Except the genius pedo-terrorist probably doesn't have any assets. So she will sue the school district for not having prominent enough signage and they will pay, and cut the school budget to make up the shortfall.

  20. BurnT'offering

    The only way to bring gun sense to the US

    Is for absolutely everyone to carry as many loaded guns as they can manage at all times.

    And then, when the place is empty, we can start over

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      @BurnT'offering - Re: The only way to bring gun sense to the US

      And also raise the bar. Allow not only handguns and assault rifles, go all the way to heavy machine guns, chain guns, hand grenades, mortars, light artillery. Oh, and tanks too.

      What is it you say ? No, no sniper rifles, that would still be illegal.

      1. Ripper38

        Re: A/C Re: @BurnT'offering - The only way to bring gun sense to the US

        ... Oh, and tanks too....citation:

        my pleasure and mine's the one with the 120mm sticking out

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I have a different solution.

    I'm paraphrasing one of my favourite Internet memes:

    "I'm not saying let's go kill all the stupid people. I'm just saying that we should give ALL of them guns and let the problem sort itself out."

  22. earl grey

    I just have to ask

    Is that a gun in your sock or are you just happy to see me?

  23. Stratman

    He didn't watch enough gangster films

    If he did he'd have known the really cool ones put the gun down the front of their trousers.

    He could have made a small contribution to chlorinating the gene pool.

  24. Stevie


    Couldn't have happened in England.

    They don't use feet. Everything's in metres.

    1. james 68

      Re: Bah!

      Not quite, British folk do indeed use feet as a unit of measurement.

      Your thinking of those other euros like the French.

  25. Dr Scrum Master

    It's a good job Americans are allowed to carry guns, otherwise they might end up living in a country with paramilitary police... oh, ummm....

  26. Kwll

    What for?

    Totally understand our fellow Americans wants to disprove Darwin for the sake of the state religion.

    Still wonder why, though, they seems to involve others in their collective quest for the Award.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What for?

      I'm afraid they are right. It's clear Darwin's Law is not working in the US. These idiots survive and reproduce.

  27. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Person A shoots person B with a gun. Is not arrested on the spot and is instead allowed to drive away. This is the bit that worries me.

  28. PassiveSmoking

    Morons with guns

    The NRA keep telling us the only way to stop bad guys with guns is more good guys with guns.

    But it's not the bad guys with guns I'm worried about, it's the morons with guns. What are you supposed to do about those?

  29. Mike Rodgers

    Darn shame he didn't have it uncomfortably tucked into his waistband - maybe he'd have shot something that would have left more of an "impression".

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