Hello World
Hello clouds, hello sky!
Hello scary creeping mist...
GCHQ has belatedly joined Twitter. The UK government spy agency’s first message to the global micro-blogging platform on Monday morning was the brief “Hello, world”, something that GCHQ probably hopes will resonate with computer programmers worldwide.1 Simple and in keeping with the banal first entries of many Twitter users …
Wasn't he seconded to MI6 at the time of his death, even if he normally worked at GCHQ?
That would be one reason I could never work for those sort of people - quite apart from the ethical considerations of mass surveillance there is also another thing to consider: lack of loyalty towards their own people, even in death.
I can understand that those choosing to work in the more secretive areas of government are expected to keep quiet. Loyalty is expected of them. No problems there, but shouldn't they be able to expect some degree of loyalty in return from those same employers? Surely the agencies concerned could have done more to stop his private life from being dragged through the media after what had happened?
Why the F are they wasting my money on this, as well as the large haystack?
We need: (1) A decent framework of laws stringently restricting what they can and can't do (Including not building a bigger haystack) and (2) then they just quietly do their job as efficiently as possible, within those laws.
“We want GCHQ to be more accessible and to help the public understand more about our work,” it said.
To rule almost anonymously and practically autonomously and reign over everything remotely from fields afar via virtualised memes with media manipulation booting and rebooting a pathetic and apathetic trailing reaction in preference to any effective competition and/or crushing opposition with leading AI proaction, is easy enough to understand, but a mined mind field of explosive disasters to negotiate and claim as ones own with a master plan providing the future way forward out of the present without all of its past failures identifying the wannabe Caesar and Hitler types with systems responsible for current madnesses and mayhem and the realities created for projection/production/placement, tells you more about our work than you may be able to accept is possible.
Your doubts with any shreds of lingering disbelief is that which grants access to hidden dark secrets and allows guaranteed unhindered passage to pastures both green and ancient, alien and better beta tested for that and/or those into the finest of arts and Greater IntelAIgent Games Play. ‽
Is GCHQ leading and into IT in such a way? Or is that which they are face to face with and terrorising?
And what price, other than priceless and whatever be asked of IT principals to be delivered, could the markets decide for whenever such is a stunningly successful private pirate venture and perfectly secure covert business model rather than public facing, clandestinely funded nationalised intelligence agency?
In any system, where money in any and all of its forms rules and reigns, is there always an absolutely fabulous price to be paid to ensure that smarter lead remains and is maintained and retrained in safer secure hands, hearts and minds. And such is always whenever truly for real, one of those internetworking bargains of the century things.
When did you first become aware that GCHQ was spying on you through the television? ... Omar Smith
The television indeed surely is and/or definitely can and therefore will be a ubiquitous secretive weapons system for dirty deeds done dirt cheap, Omar Smith, with a certain command and crazy control of programmable perception its raison d'être since inception, but to obsess and get all paranoid and terrorised by it is not a sound path to follow or get all hung up on. IT is what IT is, and things are as they are because of that which is done and has been done. And what of the future whenever it is but figmental imaginanation virtualised and presented for mass presumptive consumer consumption.
And we/you aint really seen nothing yet ...... of the former and careless carefree lovechild now turned rebellious teen and erudite rabble rouser.
Have a nice day, y'all. 0days rule?:-)
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Domestic propaganda aside, why are you fookers spying on Brits? Why do you have bulk data sets on Brits suspected of nothing? What law defined these? Why was Parliament not informed? Did Hague know when he was busy covering for you? Who defined these 'reasons' screens you fill in and claim constitute due process? What law substitutes that screen for normal due process? How many people can query the data without filling in a reason, or being logged? Who are they? How did they get their 'God View'?
Panama papers? Noticeably devoid of any interesting Americans. Care to explain how it contains Camerons dad but no notable American? What's the back story? You spy on Brits, yet a major leak that undermines your own PM, and you lot know nothing about it? Unlikely, so do tell.
Oh right.... transparency is a PR man spouting 140 character sound bites not REAL transparency.
Yes, AC, we do realise Big Brother has had a nervous breakdown and is in dire need of a strait jacket and padded room accommodation ..... and lots of meds too, of course, although none of that will put him back together again and onto the right course of action and reaction and proaction and HyperRadioProActive IT.
Basically are all BBSystems well and truly fcuked.