back to article No, I'm not surfing smut. I'm trying to score a bug bounty from P0rnhub

The world's most popular porn site PornHub has launched a somewhat restrictive security bug bounty. The site draws a eye-watering 60 million visitors a day and has been subject to breaches mainly limited to malvertising attacks which would generally not be uncovered by bug bounties. PornHub is running its bug bounty on the …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Have they paid out at all?

    Or is it all fap chap clap trap?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What is the point?

    "Find problems on our website, but don't use automated tools and certain categories don't count."

    It sounds more about marketing and less about valid security concerns.

    1. BerryMiguez

      Re: What is the point?

      It is a little bit of both. They are really improving the security and pay for discovering flaws but there are not so many. But the marketing visibility is for sure paying more. I like that these sites like Pornhub and are finding very creative ways to promote their businesses on the mainstream where it is hard to get to.

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