back to article Dragon capsule bids adios to ISS

Crew aboard the International Space Station (ISS) are preparing to wave off the SpaceX Dragon resupply capsule, which will return to Earth later today bearing over 1,600kg of cargo. The unmanned space truck launched to the orbiting outpost on April 8 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, atop a Falcon 9 rocket. It carried …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    We go the extra mile...

    I'm still waiting for some delivery company to sponsor these and get their logo on it.

    1. Stoneshop

      Re: We go the extra mile...

      At the very least SpaceX could write "Here Be Dragon" on the parachutes.

  2. Elmer Phud

    "samples from human research, biology and biotechnology studies, physical science investigations and education activities"

    Soooo, it's a dustcart.

    1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      No, it isn't. They wouldn't go through the hassle of landig it if it was "a smeggin' garbage pod". They let those burn up in the atmosphere.

    2. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Elmer Phud,

      Nope. They have chucked rubbish in them before, but mostly that gets burned up in the European, Japanese and Russian delivery vehicles, which can't return.

      I presume NASA wanted an equipment return capability because Dragon was the only one of the ISS supply vehicles designed after the shuttle was retired. And that could fulfill this requirement before. There's barely room in Soyuz for the 3 astronauts, let alone any extras.

      But they're always doing experiments that require a sample return. So they send baby mice up there, to see how they develop, in comparison to ground-based siblings. Then bring them home, and before they can gloat to their mates about how they're space mice, it's off to the dissection table for everyone.

      Similar stuff with fruitflies. Then there's been mini school experiments in Kinder Egg plastic toy pods, and tests on long term exposure to radiation outside the ISS. I'd be surprised if they aren't taking blood samples from the astronauts as well.

      1. Jim McDonald
        Big Brother

        re: Mice


        The Mice, hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings that they are, have been running a series of complex experiments on the humans.

        1. DanceMan

          Re: re: Mice

          "The Mice have been running a series of complex experiments on the humans."

          What are we going to do tomorrow, Brain?

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: re: Mice

            "Blow up Salesforce NA14!"


  3. Tikimon

    When does the Dragon breathe fire?

    I'm still waiting for them to bring one down to a soft landing, as intended. They can try it over the ocean, where failure means a splashdown anyway.

    They've spoiled me with the beautiful landings of late. Come on, folks, light the fire!

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: When does the Dragon breathe fire?

      Can this version of Dragon do that? I thought it was the man-rated Dragon 2 that can do that, which they're due to start testing next year.

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