Re: Prejudice
"Your post shows shameful lack of appreciation for the strands of diversity in the community we represent."
hook, line, *AND* sinker!
You did not get the humor nor satire, did you?
Personally, I am *SO* *SICK* *AND* *TIRED* of all of the political-correctness "diversity" nonsense. Why can't we just recognize people as 'human' and NOT make race/sex/appearance/behavior/whatever a criteria for ANYTHING? Are all too many of us as immature as a 4 year old, needing a doll that "looks like me" or something? Or in this case, an emoji. Cue 'rainbow brigade' emoji list ad infinitum. I wonder what the 'gay' one will look like...
But the final conclusion of the original poster was the correct one: let's just abandon the use of emojis, period.
"Your last point completely disregards the feelings of those people"
Not surprising. 'Feel', the new 'F' word as far as I'm concerned. Everybody has them, they're a poor basis for decision making, too many people *feel* instead of *think*, and maybe that's how we got here...
thanks for playing, though.
(or was the smiley at the end an indication of satire?)