The last time I saw a list like this...
"Provisions that allow Member States law to modify the GDPR provision can be found in the following Articles: 4(7), 4(9), 6(2), 6(3)(b), 6(4), 8(1), 8(3), 9(2)(a), 9(2)(b), 9(2)(g), 9(2)(h), 9(2)(i), 9(2)(j), 9(3), 9(4), 10, 14(5)(b), 14(5)(c), 14(5)(d), 17(1)(e), 17(3)(b), 17(3)(d), 22(2)(b), 23(1)(e), 26(1), 28(3), 28(3)(a), 28(3)(g), 28(3)(h), 28(4), 29, 32(4), 35(10), 36(5), 37(4), 38(5), 49(1)(g), 49(4), 49(5), 53(1), 53(3), 54(1), 54(2), 58(1)(f), 58(2), 58(3), 58(4), 58(5), 59, 61(4)(b), 62(3), 80, 83(5)(d), 83(7), 83(8), 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90."
... it was the Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy's index entry for "sex". Perhaps they want data protection to get fucked?