Those businesses that want to remain in the E.U,do so for obvious reasons,they want a crutch to lean on & haven't got the balls to stand on their own two feet.
The same goes for the politicians,they are fearful that the gravy train system that they help to sustain with our taxpayers money,will no longer apply to them.
It's not too difficult to follow the money,the EU fills the pockets of those in this country that support the objective of workers living on the knees,get some balls you 'working class',fight for your rights,because you are about to lose them by staying in.
The 'remains' say that we will be worse off outside,that's a big LIE,because the working class are getting poorer INSIDE, what sort of electorate on it's knees wants to welcome millions of Turks,Ukrainians & others to make matters worse?
The Yanks are using PUTIN to advance their hegemony in Europe,they must be STOPPED,America is the real threat to Europe NOT PUTIN.
Ukraine is absolutely CORRUPT,we will be paying countless billions of euro's to bail them out of their World Bank\IMF loans that have been defaulted on,in addition to that owed by them to Russia.
By what REASON does America need warships or planes around the BALTIC,for one reason only, PROVOCATION,to garner a Russian response,thereby setting up PUTIN as the bogeyman.
OBAMA sent American equipment to the UKRAINE for that sole purpose,bang on cue, those two 'Tory' fudge pushers, Hammond & Fallon fell in behind OBAMA in stirring the issue up by calling PUTIN a 'threat'.
If the remainers win, this country loses,it's that simple.
This country traded globally before the EU existed,Hong Kong is a 'British' former colony & the East India Comnpany is another,albeit colonial success story that's left agreat legacy in India.
If America gets it's way, they won't be able to compete fairly,they will use the TTIP rules to 'LITIGATE' in THEIR courts, to financially RUIN Europe, company by company.
Ask BP or VW what the real price of trading with America is,that's the snails progress of ruin,that ONLY America will win.