Vital Parts .... CHAOSystems App Placements with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT and AI@ITsWork*
The media needs to be engaged so people will know they're getting their money's worth and funding will continue. Experience in other countries shows that the rest will be ineffective. Please tell me I'm wrong. …. Ole Juul
Media, Ole Juul, needs to be engaged to spin hype and virtually realise novel future products for mass presentation and Maslowian self-actualisation.
’Tis the new way forward into the future and progress with quantum leads/ab fab fabless reads, nearly the same as the old way but fundamentally and radically different, with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems in Computers and Communication for Cyber Command and Control Centres …… Semi-Autonomous Nodes with Invisible Cells of XSSXXXXellence.
And you are not wrong, other than in thinking that people will know they're getting their money's worth. Quite obviously, with the present state of nations being the evidence, is there massive catastrophic fraud afoot and moneys being clearly rooted and looted and routed obscurely elsewhere.
* And does one have an effective choice in whatever shall be an Exotic Erotic Eastern Confection and/or Wild Wacky Western Delight ‽ .