This is the AWS effect...
... I'd sum it up as 'Work with AWS or be killed by AWS'. We live in interesting times...
Microsoft is recruiting from open-sourcers to build a unit apparently selling open-source wares on its Azure cloud. Recruiters working on behalf of Microsoft have been contacting employees of Linux firms, interviewing them for what’s being called an open source practice. Microsoft is specifically looking for those with …
They tried to ping me more then 3 years ago. At that point this was going on for at least 6 months (knowing when the "usual suspects" started there).
1. The window for "high level" is now pretty much closed - this "secret hiring" (quotes needed) is "hiring grunts"
2. It required moving to the drizzle. While moving out of the UK you may not really notice the difference, if I move somewhere, I will move to a place with better weather, not weather which is as bad if not worse.
It was fairly secret then. Now? Not so much. In fact - not at all.
Microsoft has long had a history of adopting a technology, then extending the technology with proprietary stuff and trying to "own" the technology through extension.
I'd be very wary of getting in bed with Microsoft - the same company that has consistently used proprietary source code and patents to sue Linux rivals into paying it to allow them to continue.
I doubt that the old Microsoft strategy would work on anything Linux without smacking right into the GPL. I can't see any licence with Stallman's name on it allowing a bog-standard MS takeover attempt to occur.
Maybe they could massage that shim you speak of to subvert the market but it would probably be very difficult. Microsoft would be better served to build on BSD in that regard.
But I can dream and I wouldn't actually mind an MS distro in the sea of other Linuxis out there.
Maybe they'd bring some fresh ideas to the mix especially around desktop environments and their interoperability. (I say while typing on a Frankenstein's hybrid of KDE and Cinnamon.)
Really... How many volume control applications do we actually need?
(Seriously I tried Kmix, XFCE volume, Gnome volume, basic Alsamixer and/or PAVC and finally settled on the Cinnamon control since it allows the easiest sink switching.)