back to article Druva fills luggage with cash, heads to Japan

Startup Druva has taken in fresh funding to pay for expansion into Japan. The company's InSync products protect corporate end-points – notebooks and the like – and it has lately expanded to protect cloud apps. It has set up a subsidiary in Japan, building on existing reseller and MSP deals, and opened an office in Tokyo. NTT …

  1. frank ly

    "The company's InSync products ..."

    I was confused for a moment, because I have Insync on my computers. This is not the same as InSync and, in fact, the Druva poduct is not called InSync; it is called inSync as can be seen from their website. I hope that clarifies the naming situation.

    1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      Re: "The company's InSync products ..."

      I thought it was N'sync? Or am I confusing things again?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Druva" also means "grape" in Swedish.

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