Does anyone really care?
Gartner's broken out its crystal ball again. Huawei's object storage bods won't be happy
Gartner's gurus have ranked the top twelve object storage suppliers in a Critical Capabilities report, with Cleversafe at the top and Huawei last. The report states: "Object storage is pervasive as the underlying platform for cloud applications that we consume in our personal lives, such as content streaming, photo sharing and …
Wednesday 20th April 2016 08:55 GMT StorageDownunder
Stranger than fiction
Hard to understand some of the metrics they used. Some object storage platforms don't have NFS, etc. Guess what, they don't have Fibre Channel either. Me thinks they missed the point.
I'm also puzzled how they rated Ceph so lowly. What do they think over 60% of all Openstack deployments use for storage?
Friday 22nd July 2016 22:35 GMT Lookcrabs
Re: Stranger than fiction
We have both Cleversafe and community ceph at multiple Petabytes each and I can attest that both have issues scaling. I've used NetApp as well and had performance issues. I'm serious to what scaling issues you have specifically?
I'm a big fan of open source so I should preface that I am biased towards ceph.