back to article China wants a 'Go' at Google's DeepMind

A group from China says it wants to build an AI to challenge the Google DeepMind AlphaGo system. According to a Reuters and Shanghai Securities News report, the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence and the Chinese Go Association plan to challenge AlphaGo to a computer-versus-computer Go match. The report did not …

  1. wx666z

    Here comes the answer

    And when both AI's end up with a pattern displaying 42?

    Mine's the old fart sweater.

  2. Chris G

    Ultimate thinking

    True useful human type AI will have 'arrived' when a computer can give a man a reasonable sounding excuse that will gain him sympathy, to give to his wife for forgetting their anniversary/her birthday/mother's name etc.

    1. raving angry loony

      Re: Ultimate thinking

      A "magic 8 ball" can do that. It's not the excuse, it's the delivery that counts.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Ultimate thinking

        "A "magic 8 ball" can do that. It's not the excuse, it's the delivery that counts."

        Great line, delivered flawlessly but I'll raise you "fork 'andles" (today only).

        1. Spacedinvader

          Re: Ultimate thinking


    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Ultimate thinking

      Ah, but an AI would never have reached the capabilities of processing and thought to come up with the solution of:

      "Simply keep forgetting those dates until she no longer cares and accepts you don't give a shit."

      Been working well for me for the last 26 years of marriage.

  3. Mark 85

    I hope that Google and the Chinese both teach their computers how to play Tic-Tac-Toe first before putting them on the Internet to challenge each other and anyone else. Hopefully no one has the missile launch controllers on the Internet but teaching Tic-Tac-Toe should ensure that no bad end comes from this.

    1. Sandtitz Silver badge

      @Mark 85

      As long as these two AI's are not in control of the nuclear weapons and neither has a mission to protect mankind I'm all right with connecting these two.

      Colossus was much more scary than WOPR.

      1. Roq D. Kasba

        Re: @Mark 85

        Jeux Sans Frontiers

      2. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

        Re: @Mark 85

        Colossus = IoT with nukes

  4. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken
    1. AbelSoul

      Fantastic! I watched every episode of RD yet had no recollection of this so I guess I must've been pished for that episode.

      Have a virtual pint for prompting me to revisit season 2.

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