Re: Infected industry
Much as I can empathise with your view, it is a little unfair to castigate all the IT people.
There are many people who are able and willing to give good advice but that is very unlikely to be the one who is selling you the 'bag of magic beans'.
The problem is one of computers are now a cheap commodity and everything surrounding them is expected to be cheap or even free.
You would not expect to get good advice about doing your accounts from a complete stranger for free, yet you expect good advice regarding your IT for free from a complete stranger. (who may be biased for obvious reasons)
Small businesses invest in understanding how to do their Accounts/VAT/Marketing etc, why not do the same for the IT side.
Good advice from people who have worked in the industry for a while and have worked through the B***s**t marketing and sales pitches is available if you look but may cost you some time and money in the process. It is worth it at the end of the day and should be seen as a reasonable business cost.
In terms of non-business users it is also possible to do some research to learn about Computers on the Internet, not to mention community programmes to provide Basic IT skills etc.
It is all out there if you look. Computers are not like owning and using a wired Telephone of old, it impacts all parts of our lives and cannot be simply treated as a blackbox you do not need to understand beyond learning how to use Twitter & Facebook.
Everyone wants to get the benefits without investiing any time to understand what they are dealing with and the + & - points of owning/using a computer. e.g. most people have no understanding of how computers impact on your privacy or others and seem to be quite happy to wish it all away for the simple pleasures of publishing their lives in realtime for all to see & many to abuse.
Do I have sympathy with people that have been bitten by the negative side of owning/using computers, of course.
But it could be avoided if a little effort was made to understand the 'beast' and how to tame it.
I know this will be downvoted but it does not change the fact that knowing how to use your 'Tools' is still valid even when the 'Tools' have changed beyond imagination. :)
There is NO 'IT Priesthood' preventing the gaining of this knowledge more like a lack of wanting to make the effort as it takes too much time/effort or stops me from 'Selling more Widgets' or eats into the time I want to spend in the Pub etc etc.