back to article Look who just joined Salesforce... it's former European commish Neelie Kroes

Former European Commissioner "Steelie" Neelie Kroes is to take a seat at the board of perpetually loss-making SaaS pioneer Salesforce, the company confirmed today. Clearly the one-time Eurocrat has not yet had her fill of working in a sprawling, ego-driven, bureaucratic organisation. Perhaps Salesforce’s CEO Marc Benioff will …

  1. Vimes

    This isn't her first role outside the commission.

    1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      Thanks for the link, very interesting!

  2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    Maybe she'll be able to help them set up their arm's length EU operation. The one they'll need when the Privacy Figleaf gets torn down.

  3. Chris Miller

    I'm sure she'll bring with her a deep understanding of technical issues or, failing that, which vintage of Mouton Rothschild goes best with Tournedos Rossini.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Fek Me, that's a terrifying picture!

    That which has been seen cannot be unseen!

  5. Vulture@C64

    So what does she actually do ? Apart from cash her large pay check, what can she do for a business like Salesforce ?

    1. Bloakey1

      "So what does she actually do ? Apart from cash her large pay check, what can she do for a business like Salesforce ?"

      Pure old fashioned nepotism, old chap.

  6. ratfox

    "anti-competition commissioner"

    Oh? Well, that explain things.

  7. Anonymous Coward

    You need friends in high places

    Is she one of the Bilderberg's too?

  8. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

    “It’s an honour for me serve on the Salesforce board”.

    “It’s an honour for me to collect my huge cheque for attending on the Salesforce board meetings three or for times per year”.


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