back to article Obama bigs up His Man in Havana: Google

President Obama has promised to bring internet access to Cuba – by pre-announcing a deal best-pal Google has struck with the island. On the first day of an historic trip – the last US president to visit the nearby state of Cuba was Calvin Coolidge in 1928 – Obama flagged up the Wi-Fi and broadband deal, seemingly catching the …

  1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

    Hmm. Maybe he just skimmed the memo?

    1. JimmyPage

      "Veep" is a documentary ...

  2. DanielsLateToTheParty

    History is written by the victor

    It's telling that the fall of communism was iconified by a McDonalds in Moscow. Now there is a Wi-Fi hotspot in Havana. Has Google really become the face of capitalism? Or it's crown?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Black Helicopters


    I'm the first one to suggest that this deal wouldn't be happening if the NSA wasn't getting a backhaul of everything on this new network. :)

    (Don't feel bad GCHQ. I'm sure the NSA is mirroring everything to you after it gets to Fort Meade.)

  4. Mark 85

    Nothing like spilling the beans on a quiet or backroom conversation, then. I would have thought that Google would have been the ones to announce this or at the least, not seem surprised or maybe even a joint announcement. The way this was done gives it a bit of a sleazy edge to it.

    I really don't believe some the stuff I'm seeing being pulled by the government lately. This is just one them.

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