So many post mortems
So little time.
Windows 10 updates have begun rolling out to eligible Windows Phone 8.1 devices. Microsoft has promised not to be as aggressive as it has been with pushing Windows 10 onto desktops – a promise that’s surely not hard to keep. It’s made good progress fixing the bugs, cranking up the performance, and making the UX transition …
So in short and English, W10M is a half arsed, unfinished, bug ridden, featureless, epic failure and to keep away from it unless hell freezes over Nadella scraps it and buys Blackberry ! Microsoft planned take over of the mobile world is a bloody disaster and the fault lies squarely with Balmer and Nadella !
@Tubz Lets add to this:
This release of Windows 10 Mobile is a 'compatibility' interim release in the style of Windows Phone 7.8. Windows 10 Mobile 'Redstone' (next release) due in the summer (or later now) will aggresively dump the Windows Phone 8.1 App (Silverlight) backwards compatibility. That's my take.
Redstone has already been nicknamed/coined the 'Tombstone' release. Microsoft are already been aggressive in their attempts to railroad (Desktop) Windows 7, its seems they intend to aggressively do the same with Silverlight/Windows 8.1 App backwards compatibility support.
It looks like, the now MS owned Xamarin and iOS App porting support will be the new Coding approach, but in effect its another 'Stepping Stone' / Developer re-tooling Mobile OS as it looks like the Summer 'Redstone' release dumps Windows 8.1 App backwards compatibilty.
(That's what Here Maps seem to be saying, by dropping support for Here Maps from the Windows Mobile App store on 29th March)
In a way it seems to make sense, Windows 8.1 phones with 512MB won't get this upgrade and thats probably the largest user base overall. The userbase is currently so small now, that to 'do a reset' in the summer, remove the clutter/backwards silverlight compatibilty is probably no real hardship.
I think we'll get the definitive answer at Build 2016.
Also worth mentioning the History;
Joe Belfiore tweeted and confirmed, (when asked the question) that Microsoft was working on bringing Windows 10 mobile to 512MB devices including the Lumia 520.
As said, they won't. We heard nothing different until today. Another Marketing fcuk up.
"Enterprise features, including Data Protection Under Lock, are missing."
I take it that a large company that actually uses Windows 8.1 phones and that actually relies on this feature for data management can block the update while they investigate migrating to an alternative platform?
updates on my phone. Its 8.1 and it works perfectly well IMHO.
I see no point in risking my UX and privacy only to become a MS bitch.
I'm an ardent win user, always have been. Seems that relationship is coming to an end.
Even Windows 8.1 (with classic shell) looks a more appealing proposition than 10 ever will.
Oh did I mention I hate Windows 8 too...
Back when HP had WebOS (before they killed it) I felt HP needed to invest about $5B in order to make it into a real contender for mobile market share(not long after they went and spent $10B+ on Autonomy), a lot of that was good apps. HP paid several developers if I recall right to develop for WebOS for a while at least. Obviously the OS needed work as well, it was sad to see it's decline, I felt constantly that no matter what HP (or Palm just prior) was doing the OS was falling further and further behind every day.
MS obviously has more skin in the game than HP ever did, and I suspect it would take closer to $10B of investment today to bring windows phone to a competitive space. They obviously have the cash. I guess the investment community doesn't want them to use it in this way though.
If I were dictator of MS I would invest in say 100 different startups around the world folks developing applications, fund them to make the cool and unique things for windows phone. Invest at least $20 million in each of the 100 companies. Get some diversity of development going on.
Or do something else equally dramatic, commit to supporting a given OS version for 5+ years without major upgrades being required. Maybe they will try this for windows 10 but I suspect they may be trying to pull a "OS X" with Windows 10 having 10 being a somewhat generic number and piling in both major and minor changes along the way. Microsoft's phone platforms seem to be the worst of the worst as regards to MS quickly abandoning all support for them. I'm partially referring to OS level patches etc but more so for apps. Even though most Android devices are unsupported OS patch wise from their manufacturers quite quickly, the apps themselves continue to work, I suspect a large portion of apps still work fine on Android 3 even today. And apps that maybe were built for say Android 3 a lot of which probably still work fine on 4, or even 5. Some exceptions and bugs of course.
I'm not a fan of MS so part of me is happy to see them not do "whatever it takes" to win. I'm happy with Android 4.4.4. (no I don't want android 5 or 6, or IOS or anything else).
One thing I have wondered though, haven't tried to look it up, is where was WebOS market share at the time say HP bought Palm, vs where is Windows phone market share today. Obviously the market is much bigger today but the % numbers have me curious.
Palm should have been bought by Nokia. WebOS at it's release was very good, and competitive with Android and iOS. I would dare to say that it ran MUCH better than Android at the time. Having had the HTC G1 and Nexus One, I know how clunky Android was at the time.
What Palm didn't have was very good hardware, and that disastrous launch on Sprint didn't help them either. Nokia had awesome hardware, but was making a mess in software. Their Symbian based line, the N900 with was Meego, etc...
Had they bought Palm and dropped WebOS on Nokia hardware and did a massive push, I am thinking both of those stories would be quite different today.
I would wager that a Nokia/WebOS combination would have blunted Android growth, and gave iOS run for it's money.
WebOS had an issue too. It killed compatibility with all the PalmOS applications (besides having a silly name). I never understood why Palm attempted a full reboot, and the dual WinCE/WebOS strategy didn't pay off. MS is following the same way trying to reinvent Windows mobile OS every two years.
"I would wager that a Nokia/WebOS combination would have blunted Android growth, and gave iOS run for it's money."
Nokia's Symbian was the market leading smartphone OS (by market share) until the middle of 2010, at which point Android usurped them. iOS has never been the market leader.
The only thing Microsoft promised was to try for the older or 512 models of which they used the
insider program for feedback unfortunately the feedback they received for
certain models showed the experience was not good I for one fed that info back
in relation to the 520 and 530 and now I have rolled them back and they are
working fine.
I also have a 930 and my Wife's 735 and grandsons 635 are working fine on windows10 and by the way if you really want WP10 the latter 3 excellent models can be picked up cheaply on EBay.
Thanks for the offer, but I don't know why should I downgrade my hardware to get the newest OS.
And yes, MS did promise to update *every* WP8 device to W10M. At least twice. I understand they didn't update weak devices, like the 520, but not updating fully capable phones like the 1020 or 925 is just pure scumbaggery.
Edit: Looks like you copied the message weirdly from the shill central, it's really a pain to read.
I'm a 1020 owner too. It works great. I'm desperate to keep W10 off it. Thank you Microsoft. What do you think W10 will give you that 8.1 doesn't? W10 looks like the final nail in Microsoft's mobile strategy. Replacing 8.1 which works well with a half-assed botch job that does less. A winning strategy.
I actively installed the upgrade app and asked to upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile. Given Mr Orlowski's dire warnings you could imagine it's akin to bricking the phone. It's not. It all works really well on my Lumia 640XL, almost as if they had waited pushing it out in a raw DevOps fashion and spent some time testing and fixing bugs.
I haven't seen any bugs in it yet but it seems there are still a few known ones and undoubtedly more still to be discovered. I'm not too worried for now. It's not as if I'm going to have to wait a year (if ever) for a fix to be pushed out by the mobile network operators. I received the first bug fix update this morning.
Not quite sure where Mr Orlowski's got his information from or if he tried it himself which I think very unlikely I rolled back to 8.1 the Nokia 635,735 and 930 last night then done the office upgrade and to date have not had any issues and especially Cortana working fine a I opened apps mad direct calls browsed the web and was able to wake up the 930 with hey Cortana and live tiles updating no probs sounds like humbug to me
Updated my Lumia 930 then found @SearchMapsCMRes.dll in the Apps notitifications, Queried but no reply. Seems it may be BAIDU for China... Spooky
Hard Reset... now working but no Notification Sounds and no HEY Cortana (worked before upgrade)
The @SearchMapsCMRes.dll in the Apps notitifications is now not there, even more spooky.
The UI is lovely, but it does seem scrappy... Now wondering do I go Android next after 20 years with Nokia phones.
So the first result for "Windows 10 mobile is"... comes out with "dead" - on Google. Funnily enough, on Duck Duck Go, I just get "... iso" and "... issues". But it's not like Google would ever bias their search results to harm a competitor, right?
That said, I kind of hope that it does get pulled, for the sole purpose of shutting up the commentards on here whose sole purpose seems to be trolling for anything Windows Phone related... makes me wonder what their motivation is...