Re: I dumped AdBlock
"Then look for blocked call back scripts, etc and just unblock those very specific URLs...."
Do advertisers think there's any scenario in which I agree to run their malware-laden software on my computer? If JavaScript were not ubiquitous, the Web would actually be a safe place. Even in some dream world where I was willing to give up uBlock Origin, NoScript would remain firmly in place.
In any case, I've been saying for literally decades (since the beginning of the Web, in fact) that advertisers need an ironclad Code of Conduct, for their own protection. The backlash has been a long time coming, but it's not going to be postponed much longer.
Advertisers have been spoiled by decades of TV and radio, where they play to a captive audience, and enjoy the luxury of forcibly shoving their stinking pile of dog feces in users' faces. Now the shoe is on the other foot: users have the control. Advertisers need to grow up, realize their old business model is obsolete - and decide whether they want to become obsolete with it.