Not using a OEM Signed BIOS and just locating the correct Certs needed to bypass all that BS...
Microsoft seeks Comcast subpoena to nab activation pirates
Microsoft has asked a US court to issue a subpoena to Comcast, in a bid to obtain subscriber-to-IP address information on users alleged to have pirated en mass copies of Windows and Office platforms. The subpoena filed with a Washington US District Court seeks to identify users behind IP address alleged to have …
Wednesday 9th March 2016 08:29 GMT Fred Flintstone
Why is this news?
To be honest, this is your normal bread-and-butter law enforcement. Suspected crime with enough evidence to pass due process, warrant for information. That's how it is supposed to work.
Or is it because it involves Microsoft and they can't play a "you wouldn't steal a handbag" video before the installer starts? :)
Wednesday 9th March 2016 10:37 GMT Dan Wilkie
Re: Voluntarily
To be fair, when you go through the Microsoft Product Activation Wizard, and choose Activate Online, it's pretty bloody obvious that it will be connecting to the Activation servers when it says it's going to connect to the Activation servers.
This is where their information came from - it's probably Win7 as nobody in their right mind would pirate Win 10.
Wednesday 9th March 2016 12:03 GMT Michael Habel
Re: ain their right mind...
Save that Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 are the gateway drugs to Windows 10. Since MicroSoft would just as gleefully ram it down anyones throat. Who wasn't smart enough to avoid all those cleverly hidden Windows 10 Installers. That came with a 'Critical' Warrning attached, to 'em.
Wednesday 9th March 2016 12:19 GMT Anonymous Coward
Hard-disk loading software piracy?
'One prominent form of software piracy is known as “hard-disk loading,” .. which are often sold in competition with .. devices pre-installed with legally licensed copies of software.'
Are they selling unlicensed Windows or is it a business selling legally acquired copies of Windows?
Wednesday 16th March 2016 19:44 GMT David Austin
Re: Was it malicious?
Guessing Microsoft have more evidence to say yes, their mass counterfitters, but 2000 activations over 5 years could be done by a small to mid sized repair shop in innocent circumstances: They rip the Windows/Office keys off the system before formatting and wiping the systems, then try to activate them. Not their fault if the home user got a knock off enterprise version of office and Windows Ultimate given to them by their teenage cousin who gave them a "Free Upgrade"....
Friday 26th May 2017 04:30 GMT td97402
Re: Was it malicious?
Yeah, no, if it's a reputable shop they're not going to reload windows based on a hand written key-code taped on to the side of the computer or a licence they rip from the registry. If you want me to reload your windows you best have a valid COA somewhere on the machine or a legit retail box copy of Windows. I just don't need any visits from Microsoft lawyers.
Friday 13th January 2017 18:08 GMT Herby
At least they didn't ask for...
An address like
Then again, maybe the lawyers did and modified the request. Kinda like looking at a mirror and saying "You talking to me??".
I'll wait until it turns out being a Microsoft employee that was leaking activation codes (or code generators), and they get thrown in the klink.