Re: Arggggg, Mac users
"I agree. My apologies - my point wasn't that you should run Anti Virus and you'll be safe if you do - my point was that you should run Anti Virus, FireWalls, a healthy degree of paranoia and mistrust - and try not to use piracy sites (because that's just asking for trouble)."
And therein lies the problem: all too many Mac users, after hearing for years how their Apple computers are "virus free", still operate with that blind assumption. They thereby leave themselves open to infection precisely because they do not believe that the common-sense precautions that you quote apply to them.
I have to hear this crap from my own boss, who runs Macs at home: how he "doesn't have to worry about viruses" and how, after I set up his MacBook for the first time to use Time Machine on our new NAS, that's a "waste of fucking time because I'm backed up to iCloud!" Yes, he knows better, about everything of course, even though he barely knows how to remove a redundant printer from the Control Panel and does not do anything more with his Mac than surf the internet and only very occasionally use Photoshop (which his children use, actually, because he wouldn't know how).
In other words, the *average* Mac user seems to be a holier-than-thou type, to whom the average concerns of "mere PC uses" don't apply. So they are ripe for infections, randsoms and social engineering because they are too stubborn to change their beliefs, because then they would have to admit that 20 years of marketing hype is nothing but exactly that.