Re: Using a Phone to Control the World Is Mad @Richard 12
Really I can only ask the simple question why?
Honestly the scenario you painted sounded grim to me.
Putting your life and all security tokens on one easily lost, over priced item reliant on a short life battery is simply not my way of life, all risk and no gain.
That would be correct if you were to assume the consequences would be limited to just phones, but this whole case is EXACTLY about the issue that setting such a precedent hands unlimited powers to the FBI in all manner of ways. Think about just how often you use crypto (even sometimes without realising it): online banking, paying in a shop (because some of that travels over public lines), paying your taxes, buying something online.
In addition, all the things that are done on your behalf like gov statistics collection and discussions between your doctors about any medical condition - ALL of that would become accessible, and as we have seen with the Clipper chip, that is far too dangerous.
Apropos having master keys, just find out what happened to the master keys for the locks you must put on your luggage to make the TSA happy: you can even get the 3D print files for them now, and as nice side effect you will not even get a payout from your insurance as there will be no traces of your locks being broken. If you need an idea just how sterling the US government is with keeping secrets, look up "OPM hack" and consider the impact that will have had to those who were compelled to provide such details to get a clearance. In my opinion, that neglect was nothing short of criminal but, as far as I know, the number of people who have gone to jail for that is exactly zero.
The scenario IS grim, it's not just tech industries that have their income threatened.