Emperor's new VR
It's not virtual reality. It's strapping a phone to your face with greasy salty cardboard.
VR will fail just like 3D TVs, home 3D printers, and smart watches have.
Forever on the lookout for ways to avoid criticism that its packaging creates unnecessary litter, McDonald's has remade its Happy Meal boxes in Sweden so they can be re-folded into Google Cardboard VR sets. News of the promotion comes to us from AdWeek, which said the company plans to run off 3,500 "Happy Goggles." There will …
... Still shit.
Also terrible analogy as all those technologies were massively successful, and one was obsoleted, whereas OP examples are all technologies which were heavily marketed in tech press, yet failed all meaningful market penetration.
Additional: VR isn't so much a discrete technology as it is ... Strapping a phone to your face.
Brilliant. Next time i'm rushing through Heathrow late for my flight i'll stop and dig out my BBQ. Get a nice little fire going on the concourse. Pop into M&S for some nice fillet steak. Maybe if I get one of the more fancy BBQs I can whip up a little pepper sauce. And then i'll tuck into a nice juicy steak on he middle of T5 whilst my plane disappears off to wherever I didn't really want to go anyway. And there i'll be, thanking Lord Jake for his endless wisdom on the Register. Are you from Utah?
Having scarfed more than my fair share of those cholesterol-packed grease pies, I doubt very much that they can prove useful in any role other than serving as container for all the used napkins on their journey to the circular filing cabinet.
In any case, I would certainly think twice before sticking my valuable projection unit in such a stained enclosure.
From my experience food grease tends to make cardboard soft. I don't eat at McDonalds, as they don't sell food, so I dunno about their grease soaked cardboard, but I wouldn't want to strap my rather expensive phone to my face using cardboard that is likely to fall apart.
I own a plastic Google Cardboard clone, a Google Daydream 2017, and an Oculus Rift DK2, I don't need no stinkin' used food wrapper VR.
As for creative uses for used grease soaked cardboard alleged food containers, a method for applying lube to sensitive parts for those that don't do oral? Paris might do it, she has no taste.