And the old logo looked like...?
Come on guys - please give us the old logo when you do logowatch stuff.
Also - where's the info on getting in on the internet's hottest coldest new domain name?
Admit it, for years you've regarded the Dutch net registrar SIDN as a "fairly conservative organisation", concerned mainly with administering the .nl domain. Well, we've got news for you, because Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland, to trumpet its full title, has actually evolved into a "dynamic enterprise", whose …
There seems to be a trend in the Dutch (semi)public institutions that new logos are needed. Whether they actually DO look too outdated for use or maybe just a little dated but still perfectly good. SIDN isn't the only one changing logos lately. And ALL the new ones seem to be designed by the same 4 year old with a pack of crayons after a dose of speed laced tripple espresso.