back to article Barking spider prompts Spanish clan shoot-out

An exchange of air biscuits between two men prompted a shoot-out between rival Spanish Roma clans in the city of Torrent, Valencia, on Sunday night, which left three cuffed and four injured, two of them with bullet wounds. According to local news outlet Información, the ruckus kicked off in the street shortly before midnight …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Fart en su dirección general

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Usted limpiaparabrisas tonto de traseros de otras personas

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Su madre era un hámster y su padre olía a bayas de saúco .

  2. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

    So we can add to our stock of fart knowledge then. We already know that:

    The one who smelt it, dealt it.

    And also: The one who made the rhyme, committed the crime.

    Now we know that: The one who opened fire unleashed the arse choir

    This explains why George Lucas had to change it so that Greedo fired first...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Don't you mean Greedo farted first?

    2. Voland's right hand Silver badge

      Close but no cigar

      This explains why George Lucas had to change it so that Greedo fired first..

      Come on, Harrison Ford has diarrhea when shooting that scene originally, not extreme flatulence. You can find an old interview with him somewhere on the interwebs where he explains that if he did not shoot he would have had an "accident".

      1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

        Re: Close but no cigar

        That was Indiana Jones. Shooting someone, rather than having a sword fight. Where the appropriate rhyme is that:

        The one who follows through, gets covered in poo.

        In the Star Wars Cantina scene I'd imagine it's far more likely that the Wookie farted first.

  3. 2460 Something

    barking spiders

    Talk about escalating quickly!

  4. TitterYeNot

    Air biscuits?

    Barking spiders? Sounds like a load of guff to me. Probably an ass-tronomical wind-up, a story thats been in-flated out of all proportion. No doubt someone will get to the bottom of it...

  5. hplasm

    Roma aroma!

    It inflames the gypsy blood.

    1. RedneckMother
      Thumb Up

      Re: Roma aroma!

      @ hplasm

      And stains the gypsy drawers...

  6. Anonymous Custard Silver badge


    I now realise that I just learned a couple of new slang phrases that with hindsight I realise that I probably didn't want to know.

    Guess that just makes me an old fart...

  7. Peter Simpson 1

    Sensitive, aren't they? And remarkably quick to anger over insignificant things. Much as certain Americans seem to be overly concerned when others "disrespect" them.

    Harden up.

    1. RedneckMother

      @ Peter Simpson 1

      " Harden up. "

      err... Fartin' up?

  8. Graham Marsden

    I do not fart at you, Sir...

    ... but none the less I fart...

    - The Spanish remake of Romeo and Juliet Act 1, Scene 1...

  9. Hero Protagonist

    The gunfire was preceded by bun-fire

    That is all

  10. Stevie


    They say Spain is pretty, though I've never been.

    Daniel says it's the best place he's ever been shot in the spleen.

  11. Warm Braw


    Don't tell the Daily Mail...

  12. Chris G


    The gypsies can make almost anything into a matter of honour; looked at them wrong , said thank you wrong walked wrong, etc.

    Sounds like a load of crap to me!

  13. x 7

    typical gypsy argument, just a lot of hot air

  14. x 7

    I'm surprised El Reg didn't pick up this story of three men stuck in a lift after a night on the curry

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "I'm surprised El Reg didn't pick up this story of three men stuck in a lift after a night on the curry"

      Curry up and get us out of here!!!!

  15. Oengus
    IT Angle

    Isn't it a little early for this.

    It is the sort of thing I would expect on a Friday in a Post Pub Nosh story.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Romeo and Juliet

    Was this Shakepeare's missing backstory on why the Montagues and Capulets hated each other so much?

  17. Potemkine Silver badge

    What about

    finding a deserted island, putting there the two families with guns and plenty of ammos, then taking back the survivors 2 weeks later?

  18. Anonymous Coward

    Next time

    Next time, they should do what the Russians do - and blame the dog.

    Even if there isnt one.

    No Joke.

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