Comey, the Master of Overreach
Comey bleats:
But then I step back and say law enforcement, which I'm part of, really does save people's lives, rescue kids, rescue neighborhoods from terrorists, and we do that a whole lot through court orders and search warrants of mobile devices. So if we're going to move to a world where that is not possible any more then the world will not end, but it'll be a different world.
Such rhetorical garbage, "a world where that [the ability to save people's lives , rescue kids, rescue neighborhoods from terrorists] is not possible". Such hyperbole (as John Fugelsang aptly points out, those that engage in hyperbole are worse than Hitler) is of course bullshit, but stock-in-trade for those like Mr. Comey.
Mr. Comey, please go and humbly ask any of the other TLA agencies (especially the one whose acronym starts with 'N') as to how impossible it is to "save people's lives, rescue kids, rescue neighborhoods from terrorists, blah-de-blah-blah-blah"...er... decrypt a piece of encrypted text. You may be surprised by their answer. Or not.