The reverse argument must logically be that male sellers get more,well...NO.
It's the 'MARKET' stupid!
Anyone that's used e-bay for any time, will know that it's not the market place that it used to be.
Prices in general are higher,why?
Firsly, more items than ever are sold by trade sellers who use their own set prices,not prices determined by demand,that deters buyers from making purchases,which,in turn means that they go elsewhere on line to buy.
Less items are sold by private individuals selling their old items.
The cost of postage is a negative to buyers,that reduces activity in the market,well done 'royal mail'.
'Gender' has nthing to do with it, Israeli's ought to know that more than anyone, it's simply the market mechanism operating, females are more reasonable by making compromises in order to make a sale & that is market realism at play.