Can DevOps be applied to hiring a DevOps consultant ?
Can DevOps be applied to the whole company?
We’re crossing off the days until the early bird ticket offer for Continuous Lifecycle London closes, so if you want to hear from the likes of Etsy’s Katherine Daniels, and save hundreds into the bargain, you should really click now. Katherine will be discussing how much of DevOps to date has been about how to bring …
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Saturday 20th February 2016 16:14 GMT Steve Davies 3
Hows about El-Reg puts £1 in the swear box everytime an El-Reg hack mentions it?
The DevOps tidal wave is a mere ripple (if that) in most companies.
All this plugging (or flogging of a truly dead horse) ain't going to make it the hottest thing since... the last hottest thing.
As far as many of us here are concerned it is akin to a certain Norwegian Blue.
Monday 22nd February 2016 23:08 GMT Anonymous Coward
Going on some forty years back, we called cross-functional teams "Tiger Teams." I've always wondered if that convention had something to do with Kellogg's Frosted Flakes. In any case, that's how I spent an awful lot of time working with non-engineering types since I could translate between the other members and to manglement. This is yet another iteration of business process re-engineering where, this time around, IT gets to play.