back to article Don't freak out, but your primary storage has become 'aware'

The term data-aware storage is fairly new to our industry and its definition, as often happens, is not very clear. Of course vendors have their own view of this term. In my personal opinion, data-aware storage means being able to analyse infrastructure and workloads as well as storing the data involved, giving a complete …

  1. JeffyPoooh

    Security issues...

    A specific issue is security.

    e.g. ARM processors are everywhere. Even in your mouse and keyboard, and the USB chip in your memory stick. Your hard drive itself... Likely that many are reprogrammable, and offer zero security.

    It's hopeless. IT security is dead.

  2. ntevanza

    Non-sceptics beware

    My vision is for bullshit-aware infrastructure, whose job it is on the surface to reassure jittery decision makers, while under the hood comprehensively eliminating surprises for practitioners. For this it would need to

    1. Allow plausible claims of tight integration in every direction, while in fact being properly architected;

    2. Plausibly claim to do things people say they want, while in fact meeting their revealed preferences;

    3. Plausibly claim to be all-new and built from the ground up, while in fact having evolved conservatively from evolutionarily fit technologies and principles that ipso facto have been around forever;

    4. Mostly work;

    5. Look nice, when it needs to.

  3. LaunchpadBS

    "In order to be effective, data-aware storage should have some basic characteristics:"

    1. Forget everything you think you know, all middle management must go etc etc

    The simple fact is most companies are running legacy data implementations decades old and management will only learn the latest buzzwords to look good to the overlords, but almost never bother trying to actually bring the technology in line with the companies "vision" or at the very least the 21st century, as an example, the last 6 clients I've had, have all been running oracle 10g on the "most efficient" snowflake design but constantly complain about performance and their developers complaining because .Net 4.6 won't work with ODP 10.0.2 etc etc. When I suggest they upgrade and considder redesigning...I get the same response every time, it'll cost too much

  4. GX5000

    It would seem that every Industry is in the selling of bridges and marsh lands these days.

    Then again, just because we can build a nuclear can opener doesn't mean we should.

    Happy those 50's nuclear powered cars never got into public hands too.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    You can have all the insight to your data silos, but if it doesn't translate into policies, hopefully automagically applied, you've accomplished nothing worthwhile. Nice article, Enrico.

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