Quote Contemporary IT staff, in short, must more time talking and technology professionals who climb the all-important career ladder will be expected to “engage” with end users, customers and external providers.
So you really mean...
Contemporary IT staff, in short, must spend more time talking and technology professionals who climb the all-important career ladder will be expected to “engage” with end users, customers and external providers.
Isn't the trend that the farther up the PHB ladder/greasy pole you get the more divorced you are from:-
1) Customers
2) End Users
3) Reality in general.
All you really care about is the bottom line of your team and how it look wrt others so that you get another three months of job continuation.... Until the next company re-org that is and if you have played your cards rights (viz lick the right boots) you can be moved up and get the key to the executive washroom.