Democracy is finished
The worst thing about these agreements is they effectively destroy democracy, reducing everything into a sort of Cleggite / Osbornite soulless corporate liberalism.
Socialists.Want to renationalise the railways? Protect your steel industries? Restrict outsourcing? Your nation is sued in offshore tribunals.
Greens. Want to stop fracking or cut back on emissions? Your nation is sued in offshore tribunals.
Patriots / UKIP. Want to favour British business, stop offshoring, or protect small business? Your nation is sued in offshore tribunals.
When everyone from socialists to greens to conservatives to libertarians are against these deals, you know they are only there to bolster foreign corporate power at the extent of the nation state, national soveriegnty, democracy and public services.
It is notable the backers of these deals are always the Osbornite tories, the Cleggite Orange Book liberals and the Blairite Labour faction. The so called centre ground (i.e. establishment and corporate consensus).